What brought you here – to this page, to these words? I’m guessing the motivating agent is very likely the same one that brought these words into existence. For one reason or another we (as individuals) have need to find some answers: this need to know is a very fine thing, if heard and heeded. It has the potential to take us on a fabulous journey of discovery. More often than not however we rarely come to this territory this province without some form of coercion. As part of the human condition it would seem that unless and/or until there is some type of quandary or malady that has presented: a brush with mortality or misfortune perhaps then the decision to make inquiry into the deeper meaning of life remains as one of life’s lesser priorities. I consider myself extremely fortunate that these coercive occurrences were ‘loud’ enough to get my attention and in spite of my preference to turn a deaf ear the journey began and took me along as lazy reluctant passenger. I am happy to report that this natural inclination towards the path of least resistance is being shaped these days by the understanding that the time available for living this life, my life is a very precious though finite resource: the old adage cautions about being Too soon old – but I’m still hopeful regarding the other line of this clever adage and that I am NOT too late smart. Van Gough would offer his own words of wisdom suggesting that each Wo/Man has within them their own Compass able to locate their own inner knowing and sense of conscience. My heartfelt wish remains intact: i.e. by keeping my own faith in this ideal and with continued reverence for and attachment to the guidance available from my own internal Compass that the same direction is made available to all.
The Chiron wound occurs, arrives in our incarnated self at a time in our life when we were too small to do anything to protect ourselves. This wounding – which can include physical and emotional components/symptoms remains within the body/psyche of each of us interfering with access to energy/Chi moving on to affect all aspects of our living. Whenever this occurs our capacity to deal with challenging environmental stimuli can become compromised – our ability to contend i.e. to respond in a mindful, rational, appropriate way becomes diminished, sometimes to the point where conscious and proper response is completely elusive. Contemporary 1st world living is laden with stress inducing stimuli some of which are actual while others present as threatening due to our perception. This can be problematic because our perception is steeped in historical experiences: the memories of which may or may not be accurate. We would like to believe that we can respond to any situation/scenario in a calm and conscious fashion however recent findings regarding functions of the Vagus Nerve and the nature of cellular memory are showing otherwise. Two modern day Shaman – my title not theirs – Bruce Lipton and Stephen Porges have been able to show – within scientific and clinical settings that what the Buddha once proposed: “With our thoughts we make the world” is actually the truth of the matter. Dr Lipton specialises in cellular biology and Genetics and has found that each cell is an independent living entity in its own right, capable of communication and response to an external environment. Bruce goes on to say that we humans are habitually caught in an internal stream of mainly negative thoughts that keep us away from proper responses and our higher potential. Dr Porges is a neuroscientist and his 40 plus years of research has produced a theory on the Vagus Nerve (Polyvagal Theory) shows how (more often than not that) the external environment cannot be perceived without bias due to the self-protection mechanisms that are part of this remarkable set of nerves. This (Polyvagal) theory goes on to suggest that until the individual “feels safe” they cannot access information without interference that is borne out of (past) trauma. We can see the predicament: we are hardly ever able to access a new moment – or what Eckhart Tolle (and a host of others) calls the NOW without it being tainted by negative memory and overridden by our body’s natural self-protecting mechanisms via physiology. So with the understanding of these challenges and the need to find a way forward to Healing and evolution.
The case for using an oracle
“It is pointless to ask the Gods for what you yourself can do”. (Epicurus)
There is always work to be done and most of us are willing to get our hands dirty – but where to start, how to proceed?
At its core the Compass of Chiron is founded upon Astrological principles and themes – but with the field of Astrology being so vast with many students spending countless hours on the acquiring of astrological information with a seemingly endless array of nuance and tangents. This information by its sheer size has potential to cause confusion especially for those not familiar with Astrology and/or other “Energetic based’ modalities, However gaining access to relevant information still needs to be (made) available: enter the Oracle the means of accessing and revealing personal (God inspired) information in a user friendly readily available format.
Can all things take their beginning from a place not yet created?
Imagine the implication and the possibilities should this be so……….
Such themes speak to us of realms and possibilities that were once deemed unavailable to the masses. The Compass of Chiron however encourages each of us to persist with such lines of inquiry; we have the right to ask for answers and opportunities, to think our own thoughts as the path to freedom and consciousness. Concepts like enlightenment and the eternal present are not only available they are our birthright. Don’t be coerced by those in positions of authority to think that these things; aspects of knowledge, are beyond our reach. The Chiron potion contains as basic ingredient the essence of Kairos a brew so potent as to present us with a bridge and a loophole that when activated supplies us with a link between our inquiry and the ‘All knowing’. Ask your questions and insist on receiving satisfactory answers, never compromise your own integrity and as Saturn changes sign – form Aquarius into Pisces it now becomes ever more important that take responsibility for becoming our own Authority: this life we have been gifted to us and belongs to us – who better than us (each individual) to be(come) the author of our own story!!
The Design of the Mandala
The actual design Mandala is representative of the Fe/Male, Yin/Yang elements; the conditions of attraction/repulsion and eventual collusion of opposites. The twelve chambers that comprise the Mandala are of course indicative of the twelve astrological houses and are also a reminder of our twelve original strands of DNA as are also depicted on the snake/helix motif. These phallic serpentine DNA spiraling spermatozoa are in deliberate union and contained within the female curves as engraved upon each of the house chambers and Archetype cards and are together moving towards the centrifugal and centripetal womb as an act of cosmic consciousness. The sexual overtones within the design are obvious and intentional alluding to the point of conception, our terrestrial beginnings and the need to consciously integrate and to express our fecund earth nature. However we are not limiting ourselves to a preoccupation in discussion about sex; the concept is in regards to our sensual nature and contact with our own organismic wisdom. It is reference to a state of being; the awareness of unity within one’s self as opposed to the act of doing in relation to sating specific carnal appetites. These symbols speak of sanctity, of wholeness and completion, of beauty, truth and integrity, of having confidence in our innate ability to ‘stand-under’ these personal qualities. As Jung would posit – “The symbols act as transformers, their function being to convert libido from a “lower” into a “higher form” .This is not to dilute, render tepid or disqualify our lustful animal nature or an attempt to nullify expression of our most basic desire or to acknowledge it by way of concession, condescension or compromise. Most modern day neuroses may be directly linked to the inability to fully surrender to the body’s natural inclinations and desires, processes and responses. The womb as pivot point (of the Mandala) can quickly revert to become ‘Head of the Hydra’ offering stern warning against the continuation of keeping our sensual nature disowned or disembodied. When aroused from slumber – in our root Chakra at the base of our spine and contained within our nervous system – the Kundalini serpent requires of us complete honesty when dealing with the most potent of forces that is our libido. Expression of such primal and vital energy is not to be abused, taken lightly or for granted. We are talking here of nothing less than our creative potential which is to be treated with the utmost reverence and care where the squandering of this living essence can possibly result in seeing it transform from nectar into venom to strike and poison the unconscious squanderer.
Shadow work –
Look out – here comes Pluto and Eris– the Compass expands
The Compass of Chiron theme also contains the universal law of the complimentary: i.e. how everything contains its energetic opposite, meaning that in the instance of a wound being sustained due to the impact of a negative force – this same wound will automatically also contain the opposing positive element. This idea is fully supportive of the concept of Yin Yang and Jung’s counsel of ‘holding the tension of the opposites’. Our unconscious Shadow and our Wound contains the information to reveal our gift. My recent Pluto encounter forced an extrapolation of my previous understanding of Karma and in particular its influence in the area of relationship. During the recent Pluto exchanges (via contact with the irresistible ‘other’ inside relationship) I was given access to my own ‘blindspots’ – the shunned and hidden aspects of my own (Shadow) psyche and was invited to make the necessary adjustments. NB more information regarding Eris can be found within the Blog posts which also allude to the topics of Shadow both the Self and the collective
The Compass of Chiron is a ‘living thing’ and as such the aforementioned description of the Mandala Cards design still applies. But as living entity it must also be capable of adjustment and adaptation upon which it is founded.
The recent encounter with Pluto and the energies of the Eight House has engendered such adjustment. Once again I employed my usual preferred approach to change – (kicking and screaming lol) but I was eventually coerced into a rethink and expansion of Karmic influencers. The Pluto contact was sufficiently seductive to arouse my sleeping Eight House energies and as a direct result came the need to add some extra information. A look at the design of the Compass of Chiron Cards and Mandala will show the obviousness of these Plutonian Eighth House energetic themes. In support of these new findings and to ensure the notion of God contact in the Now with the Compass as living thing zeitgeist remains intact, I am currently using a set of Tarot compiled by another author. I am also re-working the original Cards in a bid to remain open to incoming muse information that may see further alteration to the cards as the messages they are attempting to convey also changes.
(A modern day parable to give example to the hypothesis – author unknown)
A Hitchhiker had waited impatiently for nearly two hours before a high powered street car thundered up alongside him, relieved that the wait was over in he jumped and the car screeched away not even giving time for the hitchhiker to put on his seat belt. The car hurtled on travelling at well above the speed limits with the driver (seemingly) manic at the wheel. The passenger was becoming more and more anxious until he could be silent no longer; “Man what’s the rush, aren’t you the least bit concerned you will be involved in an accident driving so dangerously?” The driver looked across at the passenger with a cocky self-assured grin plastered all over his face; “Not in the least” he replied, “It aint gunna happen”. “How do you know it won’t happen?” continued the passenger. “It’s easy” the driver said, “As I sat in the driver’s seat first thing this morning and before I started the engine I sat very still took a conscious breath and counted to 20”. “So what does that mean” quizzed the hitchhiker even more anxious than before. “Well” continued the speedster, “It means that any event or accident that was going to happen now can’t because I have missed it by 20 seconds”. The passenger was now convinced he was in the presence of a madman so he politely asked if he could be let out as soon as was convenient. The driver immediately brought his car to a shuddering halt to allow the hitchhiker to alight, again speeding off before the passenger could close the door. That was a close thing he thought to himself, an obvious nut case……….. Later that evening he was telling some friends about his encounter and they all agreed with him that the driver was a loon; all agreed except for one friend who suggested; “It would seem that your crazy driver might be right; If we do in fact invent the world, then by extension using a technique (like counting to 20), that can interfere with the creation of the world; why then is it not possible in this way to change the course of things, to disrupt what ‘may have been’ and create a new outcome?
Some offerings – Helpful Hints – One traveller to another
KEEP IT SIMPLE and continue to use your intuition to FEEL YOUR LIFE, the course of which will remain a series of crests and troughs. Take the time to sit, ponder and contemplate. Find your own rhythm; BE STILL IN MOTION and remember the path that is your journey is being designed and constructed MOMENT TO MOMENT by and for you. All the assistance and assistants will be forthcoming. Stay open to form; THINGS ARE RARELY ALL THEY SEEM.
Understand the DYNAMICS OF GIVING; help others, those fellow travellers, kindred spirits who are also on their journey; offer what you can but not to your own detriment. Such offers adds positive energy to the collective effort and further causes the rate of vibration to rise which in-turn is supporting the EVOLUTION. Valuable necessities and resource will be exchanged for information. WISDOM & INSIGHT gained via genuine effort becomes a form of currency and as such are extremely valuable to fellow seekers/travellers.
Maintain the COMMITMENT to search for your PERSONAL TRUTH and remain in contact with the DIVINE WITHIN. Working from the NOW allows us to BEGIN then BEGIN AGAIN. Find firm footing from which to take your next step and keep in mind that ‘an inch is better than a mile in the wrong direction’. There may be times when the gradient is too steep, the chasm too wide. At these times go gently, rest and retreat if need be in order to re-gain the impetus you may require to make a successful leap. Whenever you feel lost/disconnected remember that this feeling is the GAP between your potential and where you happen to be; Breath, (feel that subtle vibration) and BEGIN again.
Recognise, acknowledge, accept then integrate all aspects of your own DARK SELF; that part of you capable of almost any thought, any deed. Denial or contempt for this part of oneself serves only to produce inequality and separateness as opposed to providing the seedbed and growing medium for your own CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Acceptance of the whole will interfere with and disrupt the habit of projecting blame onto others. Armed with this understanding we can FORGIVE ourselves for any transgressions against ourselves or against others then FORGIVE ALL OTHERS of and for the same; what we once had called TRANSGRESSIONS we now perceive as LESSONS.
NURTURE YOURSELF; tend to your home and garden; this is high priority for when we allow our reserves of energy to become depleted we become less resistant to ‘invasion’. We also have the innate tendency to go in search of the means by which we can replenish our dwindling energy stocks and we also become prone to negative perspectives. In so doing we are likely to get caught up in (emotional) dramas that revolve around energy theft. Therefor BREAK ANY HABITS that rely upon using tired old techniques for manipulating others within relationship. Each time we opt for using such redundant formulae we inadvertently relinquish the potential for EVOLUTION
KEEP THE FAITH; don’t sell yourself nor succumb to pressure either internal or external. Make conscious lifestyle choices and decisions that will bolster personal energy levels. Retain as essential requirements the priorities of; good food, good water, regular exercise and rest and always allow sufficient time and space for SLEEP. Keep connected to your DREAMS which can supply vital link between your waking and sleeping worlds. The aspect and importance of self-care cannot be over emphasised for it is when we are healthy that we can be helpful and god helps those who help themselves.
Be thankful for your life; openly express your gratitude via involvement in the act of CREATION in whatever form you choose. Revere the opportunity that presents with this life and take advantage of spending time in natural environments. Places and spaces that have retained their unspoilt beauty are conducive to re-learning the ART OF APPRECIATION and can assist with the recouping of waning energy levels and inspiration. The few remaining (wild) places are an irreplaceable treasure and as such are to be protected and maintained with care. Where the external image of beauty re-minds us of the divine within inside of us appreciation for both will add energy and impetus to increase the push towards EVOLUTION. – The link below is from May 2020 and supplies some relevant newish detail regarding the holistic health benefits associated with Contacting the Natural Ecosphere – https://e360.yale.edu/features/ecopsychology-how-immersion-in-nature-benefits-your-health/
Don’t mistake your persona, your mask for your SELF. REINVENT if you so choose the world and your place within it. No need to try to impress others; YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF –who you really are is sufficiently impressive. PLAY, HAVE FUN, ENJOY. Give up any futile attempts to CONTROL and find SECURITY within your Self, within your BEING. Keep the focus on spirit, soul, intuitiveness and organismically based feelings and consciousness and always remember that SURRENDER IS NOT ADIRTY WORD.
There are only a handful of things that should concern those of us aware of our life’s journey; the life you have, what you do with this life and the PASSION you bring to your journey. The basic gift on offer from the energy of Chiron resides in the promotion of the urge to discover our COURAGE in order that we locate and use our passion in the pursuit of our personal TRUTH and DESTINY
Worship the divine within, the entity that sustains all things and has only your best interest at heart. KNOW THAT YOU BELONG and that YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Stay alert for signals, messages and guidance where form and presentation will change. Your unique energetic vibration paired with your WILLINGNESS to REMAIN OPEN and to EXPAND to become MORE than you were will surely invite meaningful coincidence, chance meetings, serendipity and synchronicity. Your Destiny is unfolding in some striking and very personalised way and there is no side-stepping the inevitable. For each of us there have been challenges, rites of passage and now is definitely not the time to live in fear of your life or the changes that have arrived with more still to come. It is the time to embrace the opportunity of the moment, no matter how risky or uncertain it feels, to stand with courage and be fully present for yourself and your loved ones. To create, to participate, to contribute, and to raise the rate of the evolutionary vibration and the quality of life as best you can right where you are NOW – this is your time and this is the task, to find and embrace your authentic self and to honour your personal TRUTH. If you can with glad heart rise to this occasion, if you can do this, you will serve yourself, your loved ones and the planet in a fashion that is beyond any previous limitation and beyond compare.
The requirement for CONTACT with Self (Mind/God) will always be the foundational aspect of conscious living, however today’s hectic pace of living leaves little time, energy or opportunity for CONTACT with Source – the offer that arrives with using the Compass is direction – to supply information that is relevant, personalised and contemporary i.e. dealing with what is happening today or as Eckhart Tolle would call “In the Now!. Any queries for use can be made via the contacts below.
Contact – emmettpeels@bigpond.com Mobile: 0418 164 138