Whilst we: i.e. the collective gathering of western civilisation, continue to operate under the misguided notion that ‘the enemy’ is outside of us we will continually be manipulated by the power people. They know how easy it is to control us via a media that tells us that once again we have a common enemy and we must unite (behind the might) of the USA in order to retain our freedom. Until such time that we assume responsibility for our own lives and contemplate the preciousness of the opportunity that comes with this human form we will remain at the mercy of the power people. The enemy is not Osama Bin Laden, Idi Amin, General Gadhafi, Kim Jon Un or Adolf Hitler. The enemy is our own Shadow self the part of us that we disown that is in need of our attention, acknowledgment and integration.
So far as I’m concerned the destruction of the species in its current state of ignorance and indifference would be no great loss. Those of us privileged to live in comfort and safety with access to food, water and shelter squander our one and only chance at evolution. We are quite happy to sit contained within our blissful ignorance and watch countless hours of television or throw our minutes, hours and days away in the distraction of our choosing. We – each one of us – needs to look at our own life and how we are living it. Honest reflection will soon reveal that we don’t know what we are (supposed to be) doing with our life, small wonder we find ourselves at this liminal and critical juncture.