Healing the self and healing the planet

these two seemingly separate ‘events’ are in fact interconnected and the healing of both – in unison – is the requirement. Trying to focus on one aspect without the awareness and inclusion of action towards both will fail to produce meaningful result. We need to understand (stand under) the instructions that are being offered: the messages (in the form of symptoms) from within our physiology and the evidence of ongoing abuse to not only the physical planet/ecology but wilful harm being perpetrated against us, other people and against other sentient lifeforms. Both the planet/ecology and the human body are innately designed to heal, biased towards self-repair when provided with the opportunity and supportive environmental conditions. So the first part of the equation – for the creation of the conditions conducive of support is the individual capacity to create Temenos: a sacred space wherein we can be in touch with and co-create the zeitgeist that in turn brings about self-healing and a new paradigm. This process is the moment by moment incremental practise of bringing one’s conscious awareness back to the NOW as often as can be re-membered throughout the course of daily living functions. We cannot expect the healing process to arrive from the use of an unconscious past – as Einstein would suggest “you cannot hope for improvement or try to fix the problem by using the same redundant tools that were used to create it” – the definition of insanity.

We each need to start caring enough so that those who uphold the old paradigm for their own benefit: i.e. the power elite – are shown we are no longer prepared to support their power plan with our blind consumerist mentality. We need to be willing to question our individual allegiance to and passive participation in a system that has no care for us or the planet on which we all depend. Unless and until each of us chooses to cast aside our victim status to become an active contributor to the paradigm shift – in whatever way we can -we are fated to remain in our role as plebs for the rich, grist for the mill – or worst of all foot soldiers for the war machine. The time is NOW.  Your participation does not need to take the form of Guy Fawkes’ powder keg, it may be as simple (but no less profound or radical) as forgoing the purchasing of a product known to be made via some form of abuse to either to the planet or the people: e.g. Nestle chocolate or Monsanto’s Roundup. It can be just about being committed to looking after your body and by extension your immediate environment, perhaps connecting with a volunteer enviro group might appeal – anything that is new to you and is not supportive of the old paradigm and/or the power elite will make a difference   …  and we like different!

Can we find the courage to say enough, no more and persevere with a committed incremental approach, to make decisions deliberately designed to initiate change away from the old passé paradigm and into the new?

And – “The most radical act anyone can commit is to be happy.  Patch Adams

Let’s take back our lives and our rights – the choice is y/ours.