For those not overly familiar with the (archetypal) energy that is borne of the “Dwarf planet” Eris – it is all about discord and chaos. Given that she is a relative newcomer to the Astro family a quick recap won’t hurt. Named in 2006 after her initial official discovery in 2005 the myth suggests that due to her reputation for discordant behaviour Eris was not included onto the guest list for the wedding of Peleus and Thetis – no one wanted to take a chance with a guest who had potential to disrupt the ceremonial proceedings and wreak havoc upon the celebratory festive occasion. No real surprises there – why should the one upset the many? But as was her nature Eris would attend anyway – she had a wedding gift to deliver – a golden apple which contained the phrase “To the Fairest”. The gift had the desired effect when Hera, Aphrodite and Athena started to squabble over who should own it: each believing they were the Fairest. A decision was made that Paris the Prince of Troy would step in and pick the winner and with some behind the scenes corruption (men are so easily corrupted) Paris chose Aphrodite: this choice would set in motion events that led to the Trojan War.
This bit of background mythology is revealing when we consider the aspect of discordance and disruptiveness within our own psyche: to the point of being shunned, disowned, disembodied and uninvited we might be able to trace such ‘character and/or behavioural traits’ back to our own formative years. As cute, cuddly and beautiful as we once might have been – as babe in arms – we were also messy – functioning without reason or logic: very discordant, very disruptive with the only things of any real concern or interest to us are those linked to our physical needs: food, sleep and shelter. In order to acquire these necessities we would sometimes need to display all of those Eris traits of calamity: disruption and strife in a bid to secure the attention from those in charge of the ‘goods’. As we grew and developed we ‘learned’ different ways of attracting attention. To get what we wanted and needed we were schooled and taught that “we can catch more flies with honey than we can with vinegar”. The external authority gradually convinced us to take the path of least resistance: we can all live in Pleasantville came the offer – if we just do what is expected and don’t ruffle any feathers. So in our indolence and complacency we chose to tow the party line and unwittingly became compliant supplicants where any Eris tendencies to ‘rock the boat’ or rebel against ‘the rules of civility’ and the boundaries – were quickly ostracised and made outcast. But everything has a price; the Dark part of ourselves was indeed made outcast to become ‘conveniently’ invisible – unavailable which allowed us to get on with the living of life. Somehow we managed to keep the Goddess of Chaos and her ‘aspects’ at sufficient distance so that we could ignore the ‘noises’. But yes indeedy: everything does have a price doesn’t it and the coins always have two sides. In our unconscious complacency and ignorance paired with the willingness to hand over our own sense of responsibility and authority we also became bereft of the ability to think for ourselves, we forfeited the capacity for discrimination and have been seduced into a way of thinking that is void of messages of the Heart.
Here’s a hint regarding our (collective) intelligence – while 90 F temperatures are being recorded in the Arctic – Donald Trump is Tweeting how much he likes Kim Kardashian’s new dress – Woohoo in Wuhan!
James Taylor “You can play the game you can act out the part even though it wasn’t written for you”.
Though I am not a fan of using Astrology as a tool for prophesy, prognostication with Uranus in Taurus and Eris making her return we can see the potential for more unexpected events with Uranus capable of the inescapable and Eris happy to do the inexcusable. And Blonde Freddy can see the mess we are making of our (one and only) home ….. If we cannot find her and invite her back into the fold into her rightful place we will find ourselves ready to continue with our willing subjugation from/by the external patriarchal mind machine. The recent ‘Pan –demic has supplied a pretty good example of what can happen and that ‘it’ can happen very quickly. If we fail to honour and to integrate this Dark part of our nature we are surely inviting a repeat of proceedings – those who fail to acknowledge historical mistakes are likely to continue with recidivistic thoughts and deeds. “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
— C.G. Jung
So – we have a real choice to make: right here and right now with Eris back onto the Astro stage where she will not be ignored again our next move(s) will require careful mindful consideration.
What if instead of being dictated to by bad habits – we make a conscious decision to invite these disowned parts of the self back to the ceremonial wedding, to celebrate the occasion? Can we invite the Troublemaker to our table, can we see from her point of view of how being unwanted might ‘feel’ – can we walk a mile in her shoes? One thing for sure Eris is insisting upon being noticed this time, so far we have managed to ignore her shenanigans by making other issues and aspects the more pressing, more attractive priorities. However as mentioned the coin has two sides and the price paid has been extraordinarily expensive. If we can find the courage to admit that our choice to persist with the pretence: where we are all sweetness and light and admit to our flawed folly we can reclaim the whole and redeem our birthright, our sovereignty and power. With the integration and honouring of the Dark parts of our total selves we get to find the human capacities of empathy and compassion and we learn how to forgive.
Failure to accept our own Darkness and find forgiveness will be at our own peril for it will see Eris’ Return arrive in a fashion that will be unfathomable and irresistible – for NOW we may still have a chance – choose Creation or Destruction – choose wisely.
If you want to see a sample of how Eris might look next time she arrives take a deep breath and watch this –
Additional musing Eris and the Leo Full Moon 22nd Feb 2022
If you aren’t outraged by the current worldwide situation – (where manmade mandates have become the law religious piety dogma and profit at all costs now held in higher regard than Divine law, i.e. Cosmic energetic Law – Universal law – where all persons are equal)- you might want to consider why. The rage that is contained within the (Eris) Shadow is specifically designed to cut through this type of corrupt maleficent energy. Collectively because we still insist that Eris remain outside the wedding feast her appetite for destruction – tools of chaos/strife – now run rampant/rife – through this same collective. On an unconscious level we feel the rage in the form of debilitating symptoms – chronic anxiety, numbing fear – Our Shadow stronger than our Soul. (Jimmy Page/Led Zepplin)
Because our narcissism loves our pretty image we all instantly jumped on Eris’ apple of mass distraction we now find ourselves willing complicit partners in the maintaining of patriarchal overzealous overreach and because of our inertness our lethargy having allowed our wrathful love RAGE to become timid gatekeepers of the status quo – we are now definitely in danger of having our power to change completely usurped.
The information we need to address this has long been available: ask any clever soul – for the collective to rise the individual has to awaken. We as individuals with some small numbers of notable exceptions – have slept (and continue to sleep) through the conscious living of our lives. This is particularly true within first world western countries where we gleefully accepted the trade-off of our personal freedom – handed over to the (Saturnian) State where our sense of entitlement was bottle-fed. We paid with freedom –using a skewed dysfunctional bent compass point lacking personal moral and responsibility. We have been taught the merits of virtue and peacekeeping Make Love not War but in the maintenance of this approach we are now being overtaken by the strength of our own Shadow – the aspect of the self (within us all) that we still refuse entry into the wedding feast – WTF?
Some readers noses might be bent out of shape with this notion that each of us has an aspect of the self, capable of the most heinous vile acts and it is the continuation of keeping this Shadow hidden that not only allows but promotes the ongoing atrocities to be enacted. Let’s call a spade a shovel here -do you know that the Vatican is the world leader in the production of child pornography and child sex trafficking? If this is not the most blatant and obvious example of Shadow denial available I will eat my crucifix. Do you think that it is OK to let some fool in a funny hat – whose bedroom sits atop a mountain of gold built on the proceeds of kiddie porn and the drug addled ruined lives of his own devotees to tell you how to live then this musing is probably not for you. But if you are beginning to awaken to question the validity of the underpinnings of your world view –seeing through the veil of science based Newtonian Cartesian BS (that was fine when Galileo bit through the skin of his own apple computer) – we are on the verge of Quantum computers for #*@ks sake! And there are those that still believe that the Giza Pyramid was made by floating 60 ton stone blocks across the river Nile using a boat made of paper or that the Omicron virus (whatever that is) is deadly – let’s get (Pluto/Eris)real folks.
So here we are Eris holding hands with Pluto – our Shadow hidden in (Pluto’s) undercarriage. We are being ruled by an occult government a hidden group, shrouded in mystery – The World bank and Blackrock and their administrative accomplices. These power hungry (godless hollow wo/men (see billionaire nincompoops) are able to function because we allow, support and supply the finances to fund their cloak of invisibility. And as Kevin bacon infers (Hollow Man Circa 2000) regarding the untouchable power that comes with invisibility – absolute power corrupts absolutely and you can get away with absolutely anything. We have a choice to make – we either take back our freedom – our Divine freedom – which entails being responsible for our choices. Or we continue to live a half life. Do we as individuals wish to continue with the shunning of Eris from the wedding/feast or do we instead stop our narcissistic mirror gazing and listen earnestly/honestly to what she has to offer. We need to consider and choose wisely Love and Strife – Chaos or catastrophe –make good karma from our moment to moment good dharma. Eris holds the promise of reclamation – our own positive feminine energy living in and from the NOW space in authenticity no BS whole and honest. Make Love from War Do we do our Pluto/Eris – metamorphose from jelly grub into butterfly wings flapping our brand new wings in the shimmering sun/moonlight or keep crawling on our collective belly in the gutter of complicit complacence. The reflecting light of this Leo Full Moon (16/02/2022) shows and tells – we can no longer afford to affix our conduct to the acquiescence that comes from attachment to a passé mindset. With North Node in the sign of Da Bull we can honour our body we can support our personal evolution to function by faith in our own god experience. I’m sure few of us can remember learning to walk – we got up on shaky legs and fell over – we tried again and failed again and again. But eventually we learned how to walk – acknowledgment to those without access to this precious taken for granted gift – those wheelchair bed bound who would give anything to run on the beach. The more we are willing to fail and fall the better our chances to unfold our wings. North Node Taurus is not only about security and comfort – it is also about resource – being resourceful and care of body (Gaia) my body my choice – Be brave – use Eris Queen of love/Venus and Strife and Mars the god of war to fight oppression greed corruption – and mighty forces will come to our aid….. maybe?
Helpful Hint: If your level of being incensed is incandescent your compass is functioning