As the title suggests this article will use the Astrological Natal chart of Friedrich Nietzsche and the information on offer through the planet Eris to illustrate that the findings made by Nietzsche during his life are a relevant cautionary tale – in this the year 2023 and into the coming years ahead.
NB: Astrological references (to Nietzsche) will be made within this presentation however these will be minimalistic as there is an abundance of detail available from many sites for those who want/require more information.. e.g.
The dangers of Dogma and Rote responses – sources of information – the regurgitation of dubious data
The use of Astrology is the offer of an alternate language – a way to make invisible aspects of the human psyche available in a way that promotes accessibility via objectivity. By viewing the movement of Star Gods and reflecting on them archetypally we can cross reference these external energies with whatever may be happening within the living of our lives. A reminder is required here regarding the turning of symbolic language into zealotry dogma. The (Astrological) language is guidance – offers to assist not infallible rules. This reminder is ever more relevant today (March 2023) as Saturn (the God of Rules) moves into Pisces the House of nebulousness. Much is to be learned here about dancing in the fog – finding a new way to see and finding ease within the uncertainty of life.
Eris’ myth and Astrological nature – details can be found contained within a previous Blog article titled: Eris – She’s coming back Eris has made her recent appearance in amongst the other heavenly bodies of our Solar System ( discovered Circa 2005) and into the collective Human Psyche now to tell us what we need to know about Chaos and that by enlarging our understanding of the word and the alternate meanings we can overcome our inertia and arm ourselves in preparation of the changes – on both the internal and external functional levels of the Human beings of planet Gaia.
Let’s take a look at the additional meanings of ‘Chaos’. There are three distinct ‘forms qualities aspects’ (that Chaos can take) which can operate independently or in interdependently – i.e. in concert – each with or without the other – determined by need and or circumstance.
The first: Chaos is the original intelligent energy/vibration that was in the beginning and from which everything has sprung and upon which everything is founded and dependent.
The second: this energy whose behaviour seems to those unfamiliar to or limited by preconceived ideas as being: incongruent, unpredictable and random/erratic – and therefor is misperceived as only a negative ‘entity/energy’ – i.e. potentially destructive or malevolent – as is obvious in the use of words like chaotic.
The third: that each ‘fragment/cell’ (of Chaos) is in constant contact with every other ‘fragment/cell’ and is therefore able to induce/produce intelligent ‘exchange’ across Space and Time to illicit alteration – changes to the fabric of matter and consciousness -e.g. the Butterfly Effect.
And not to forget Nietzsche’s own take on Chaos- “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star”
Eris and Chaos – The Mephisto Can Can
Eris has also come to share some pivotal information regarding the current paradigm – a world in Chaos – and show it is now imperative that we invite her to the ‘Wedding Feast and with humility and respect listen to her wisdom. Eris is familiar with all the aspects of Chaos including its seemingly negative manifestations – and that this Power is currently hidden within the human psyche in the form of the Shadow self. Eris brings a warning of the potentially perilous consequences of allowing this situation to continue and the foolishness of leaving this neglected ever so vital aspect of Self to remain ‘uninvited/unincluded’ is a recipe for disaster. Eris is using all the aspects/forms of Chaos to remind us that the ongoing shunning and disembodiment of the Shadow will see the negative powers of Chaos currently at work perpetuate and will also ensure the catastrophic happenings increase in size and effect.
The task at hand – to offer an invitation to our Eris self would appear simple enough. – but the recognition of Shadow is challenging in its own right; owning our Dark/Shadow is doubly difficult. No one wants to know let alone do what Eris is suggesting needs to be done i.e. to acknowledge, integrate – accept the totality of the self: Dark and Light, Good and Evil but this doesn’t make Eris’ message less true, in that the continued externalisation of this Shadow will also continue to ensure Eris’ dire forecast. Small wonder that Eris has constantly been shunned from attending the celebrations.
Nietzsche’s prophecy – exhumed from history. and the offer of a way forward – to open our eyes and look under our nose – it’s as glaringly obvious as extra lengthy hairs of Nietzsche’s moustache but the key is ‘Eyes open’ Mind Open
Nietzsche’s Ubermensch – gratefully borrowed from Google images
Nietzsche was chosen for this musing because he lived in a time of great change, upheaval – the winds of Chaos blowing forth changes in the prevailing paradigm of the age in which he lived. He like others –from this era this time period – who became the lightning rods – the vocalists who would assist in bringing in and ringing out these changes. His life and observations of the time are also a relevant reflection of todays tumultuous times. During Nietzsche’s lifetime – born 16th October Died 25 August 1900 – at the changing of the centuries 1800 to 1900 –Western Mind and World was in a state of flux in this aforementioned environment. In the lead up to the Great War disorderly change was afoot and the man at the fore the harbinger of change was indeed Nietzsche. We can see by using the information made ready via his Natal Chart (See below) that he was indeed the man for the moment As mentioned above we won’t go into too much Astrological detail – we will however highlight some salient aspects of Nietzsche’s Birth Chrt to illustrate the concepts of this musing.
For readers not acquainted or familiar with the reading/interpreting of Astrological Charts – it isn’t overtly necessary to have an understanding of this language in order to see the relevance and relatedness of this presentation; i.e. Nietzsche’s nihilism is just as relevant today as it was at the turning of the two centuries 1800 to 1900.
So how does Nietzsche figure into this current fixture – Chaos, Eris and Nihilism – And how is this relevant Now -125 years after his death?
The Nihilist Paul Merwart
God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?
The word “Nihilism” comes from the Latin nihil, or nothing, which means not anything, that which does not exist. It appears in the verb “annihilate,” meaning to bring to nothing, to destroy completely and according to Online Dictionary may be defined as:
1. the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless no meaning or means nothing akin to the O in Roger Thornhill’s personalised matchbook from Hitchcock’s masterpiece North by Northwest
2. The belief that nothing in the world has a real existence
3. The doctrine of an extreme Russian revolutionary party c. 1900 which found nothing worthy of approval of in the established social order
4. a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless
5. a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths
6.a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility.
7. Or transcendental idealism
8. Or if there is no deity, no “judge”, no absolute standard of right and wrong, then there is no point in us judging anyone or anything because the notions of right and wrong are purely human constructs.
Hoodwinked by Hypnosis – Pandora’s Pandemic Pandemonium
We the collective (are as Nietzsche posits: the ‘Expendable’ masses) have arrived at a time, a juncture wherein the adoption of a nihilistic viewpoint is not only an attractive option but one which seems increasingly legitimate. This is particularly so when seen in context to the current world situation and the one of which Nietzsche wrote: ““State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: ‘I, the state, am the people.”. How is anyone – (who is the slightest bit aware of this prevailing set of societal arrangements where we as a collective are teetering on the edge of total annihilation) – expected to find or foster a positive perspective and/or alternate way forward – a way to elicit a new meaningful approach? The sheer weight and volume of the problems facing us is foreboding and anxiety inducing in the extreme. Knowing the nature of our crisis is worse still when we come to eventually learn/understand that we – the gullible masses – have allowed this situation – having been hoodwinked into submission by a few resource laden idiots tricking us into believing a story about “no-thing’. This tactic – using fear to produce subjugation/nihilism is not new and today the story of make-believe ‘enemy’ that produced years of subjugation to a system and dictates/mandates all based upon the notion of the existence of a deadly virus: it would be laughable if it weren’t so seriously dire. This story is even more bizarre when it is realised (as part of this mass deception collective hypnosis) that there has never been any evidence of such a ‘no-thing’ i.e. a deadly virus – having ever existed save for a computer generated laboratory model.
So how are Nietzsche’s musings and writings relevant now?
–Nietzsche was – (according to Hannah Arendt) that (flawed) genius who dared to think without the guidance of any authority whatsoever, and who tried desperately to think against the force of the tradition – in Astrological terms this has to do with Saturn (in Aquarius 2nd House component aspect within Nietzsche’s natal chart. He felt the undertones of indolence were becoming visible seeing that the the bulk of those people around him were living lives of purposeless where lack of meaning had become the accepted norm – as part of the collective’s adherence to such Saturnian influences at this time and his warning was that by permitting the rise of nihilistic tendencies to continue unchecked would bring with them dire consequences – prophesies that would ultimately prove to be correct. This collective indolence and lethargy paved the way to allow for the rise in fascism that became Hitler’s Third Reich. Though not so brutally apparent – as Hitler’s maneuvers: i.e. his bid at world domination, there is right now another plot which is linked to the aforementioned fake pandemic – there is currently an entity in the form of an amalgam of rich and powerful people and highly resourced corporations are invested and intent on taking control of the entire planet.
WTF! it’s the WEF!
The World Economic Forum – WEF – is forging ahead with the same agenda as that of the Third Reich – far less obvious in it’s approach but just as sinister in its ambitions. And it is here that we can collate the coming together of the environmental and human aspects that Nietzsche foresaw during his life being mirrored in the trends happening today in 2023. – (his capacity to see the pending trends are evident in his 11th house natal placement)
What do we do? Procurement of Teflon Wetsuit
Chiron’s Clarion Call and Cautionary Caveat – It just wouldn’t be a good story on a site dedicated to the Wounded Healer without a message from Chiron.
There are more and more people choosing to access alternate media/news sites. And this access is allowing more access to information that has been historically blocked, censored and/or disregarded by media/news outlets that are owned and controlled by huge corporations who have vested interests in producing and/or highlighting ‘news’ stories that are advantageous to their own needs, narratives and/or causes.
One of the more noted celebrities who has recently decided to try and do something about this current state of affairs as mentioned biased media and all the inequities that profit only the few – is psychiatrist Jordan Peterson. There is no doubting Jordan’s strong moral compass or that he is well informed and very well intentioned. From an Astrological standpoint Jordan has a Taurus Ascendant which translates into civie speak as the application of a practical approach to any projects he sees as relevant. He has his Moon in Libra concerned with balance and fair play, his Sun in Gemini – quick witted and wordy – and his Chiron in Pisces is contained inside the 11th house – the house of the Collective/group – so he inherently ‘feels’ the sense of woundedness – the disparity of those disenfranchised. See this link for a brief outline for JP’s current project
Chiron’s (cautionary) Caveat in regards to Jordon’s clarion call – he is endeavouring to create a ‘membership/collective’ of folk who can see the situation and want to do something about it and the cautionary caveat is similar to one of the “Helpful Hints’ that are available as part of the Compass of Chiron’s introduction which suggests: “An Inch is better than a Mile in the Wrong Direction”. In short taking action: i.e. doing something to address a situation that we may feel is in need of such can be a noble ideal and pursuit. The cautionary principle is to sit and consider the possible/likely consequences that will inevitably be(come) part of these actions: remembering one of the fundamental universal laws: “Every Action has an opposite and equal re-Action”.
All the Singing Masters will advise about the benefits that arise from due diligence and comprehensive consideration but in this instance I think OSHO says it best wherein he suggests “Don’t just do something sit there!”
There is also the risk associated with ‘doing something – anything borne out of the anxiety of ‘having to’ and this danger is that by ‘jumping the gun’ we will employ Einstein’s other theory – The definition of idiocy – i.e. trying to fix the ‘bad’ situation by using the same tools and approach/system as the one’s that created the ‘bad’ situation.
Today’s version of nihilism (2023) is being promulgated and promoted via modern day media – both Mainstream and alternative – wherein news content is so bombastic and deliberately emotionally evocative (attention seeking) that people/viewers are suffering from sensory overload. Part of this deliberate ruse is to set up tribal alignment to encourage viewers (of mainstream drivel) to adopt a stance linked to group-think and righteousness– to divide and conquer -(nothing new in this tactic) but it is an effective approach to keep the readers/viewers confused and in conflict with the opposite viewpoint which is obviously wrong thereby successfully promoting the tendency towards nihilism because sorting and sifting through this vast amount of often contradictory material is way too hard. For me personally – I feel advantaged by my mother’s wise woman counsel: “Don’t ever believe anything you hear and only half that you see” my ability/willingness to look at a particular story/event and to continue to look at it until I can see the whole story. In this way I get to receive information without the need to become an ‘aligned tribal member’ of a particular ‘club’. As Groucho Marx would say “I would never belong to any club that would allow someone like me to be a member’. By adopting this approach you are gifted with time and not pressured into a position of loyalty before you are ready.
This is in no way a suggestion to sit on our hands and do nothing for we (should) know that if it takes the village to raise the child it also takes the village to stymie and/or abuse this same child.
“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
And the above quote is again aligned with the warning from Eris’ re the dangers of becoming the very thing (Shadow/monster) against which we rail but also the futility of continuing to point at ‘others’ outside the Self as culprit – wasting time and energy like a well-intentioned but myopic modern day Don Quixote jousting with absolute determination at the mirrored sails of invisible windmills. Nietzsche’s character Zarathustra – quips in –“I beseech thee my brothers (and sisters) – remain faithful to the earth and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they – decaying and poisoned themselves of whom the earth is weary – so let them go”. Jung also warned against this unconscious approach – not only is it unproductive throwing effort after foolishness but it retards the real work – of becoming one’s own authority (Saturn) as part of the Individuation process.
Tell the whole story – totality – take a walk on the bright side… considerate conjecture
A modern day commentator Neil Oliver is flabbergasted by the lack of outrage from those who suffered at the hands of those who abused their positions of authority. He like so many other observers commentators is astounded to witness the indolence: the nihilism on display from the sleeping masses. As details regarding the shemozzle of the Scamdemic – the corruption and collusion between government and corporations reveal the deliberate manipulation and the downright betrayal of the people for whom these ‘Leaders’ are expected to care for, is in Neil’s words see link
The silence made by the lack noise from close-mouthed outraged is indeed deafening if you are at least partially awake – so in the spirit of telling the whole story it is incumbent upon the bleary-eyed but awake (not woke) yarn spinner to pose the following query – again using Astrological themes. Is there more to this lethargic nihilistic response (from the silent majority) than meets the ear? Is there ‘some-thing’ not so visible which might prove to be causal? Oh hello Chaos… what are you doing here/there – everywhere?
There is always change – as they say: the only constant – and as part of the vast array of life on this tiny blue orb flying through space at 120,00 plus kilometers per hour we the humans are affected by many influencers: for example our tolerance for changes in weather/climate conditions isn’t very broad – we need shelter from the extremes of the elements. If – as some suggest – our chaos is part and parcel of the natural order and of the stardust from which all material entities originate – then it isn’t too much of a stretch – even for those whose imagination can’t ordinarily entertain such notions – that all things: events, circumstances etc. occur as part of a vast Chaotic choreography – the Mephisto Can Can.
Epoch’s Fables
And so by natural extension to the observable recent and ongoing (seemingly calamitous possibly catastrophic) events: some pundits are suggesting that the turmoil is the start of a whole different cycle: the beginning of what the 60’s Counter Culture Hippies were calling the New Age And the suggestion is that via the interpretation of Astrological data that the evidence of and for these changes become apparent by the viewing of the spiralling heavenly bodies careering across the (night) sky above.
In Astrological terms this the year 2023 herald’s (prophesises) huge celestial planetary shifts and some star gazers are watching very closely to see what the story is, what it might mean and how it might play out.
As part of this chaotic dance there are several major transits occurring in March of 2023: Saturn enters Pisces while Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since 1777. Also amidst this celestial jitterbugging is much anticipated Jupiter and Chiron conjoin – happening March 12th inaugurating their cycle that unfolds over the next 13 years. Symbolically/Mythically – Jupiter and Chiron are contemporaries, existing in different dimensions – orbits yet their conjunction will bring them to the same intersection in time and space Their new cycle invites us to reconsider their archetypal bond and how, during these uncertain, tumultuous and seemingly divisive times, we may care to become more conscious and to choose to make use of the huge (collective/planetary) healing that is available via the weaving together of their combined wisdom.
To my (admittedly) limited (Astrological) knowledge base and perspective the current state of affairs – ‘the world’ isn’t quite right Ha ya reckon>. Many who are part of the Astrological community seem to agree that the Age of Aquarius is upon us. Astrology although mathematically based: is not ‘hard’ science, so there will always be conjecture and interpretation regarding available information and with Saturn moving into Pisces the crustiness of Saturn in Aquarius will be well and truly softened. I for one like this set-up, this approach – I am comfortable with the nebulousness (of Pisces) and the using of such ‘flexible framing’ encourages creative rumination and (should) discourage the dogmatic hard line of the old Saturnian approach to produce a better more inclusive world – Yay Hippies!!
Footnote: Card Sharks & Card Tricks – Buyer Beware
Over the years – since her fairly recent discovery –Eris has been associated with the tale that has always seen her outcast, ostracised and shunned: initially from the Wedding Feast and then on an ongoing basis – i.e uninvited to any gatherings all due to her reputation for disruption the currency of Chaos. What Eris really wants is for her offers of wisdom to be heard. Eris’ wisdom is borne of integrated embodied knowledge and this is her message. Whilst we access knowledge or information – that may have relevance for us – but fail to integrate or embody it – the knowledge that could have become wisdom become instead just more abstract ideas – ‘Pearls to the Swine’ as they say. This approach is occurring today – 2023 – and nowhere is this more evident than within the esoteric field including Astrology. Getting caught in the (ever expanding) reams of information can trick the ‘would be’ practitioner into the fake notion that information equals wisdom. The Computerised world delivers data at the speed of light and the Monkey Mind loves shiny new things and the world of Astrology is overflowing with shiny new data – every second of every day. This ‘trick’- sleight of hand is just like all the other distractions which do to us what Eris is warning us of: i.e. projection of the Shadow/issues outside the Self where lack of embodiment, integration and ownership exacerbates and perpetuates the problem.
Jung – and most others who have taken the time to sit and ponder – will advise that the species Homo sapiens needs a sense of meaning in their life. He cites for example the Pueblo Indians whose task it is – everyday – to help the Sun to rise above the horizon and to travel across the sky towards the other horizon. … what more noble and important task could there possibly be? But what about me – where do I derive meaning – what task can I find that instils in me the ‘knowing’ that I have been involved in ‘something’ that gives me the embodied sense of purpose meaning and wisdom?
All the singing Masters: Mohammed, OSHO, Jesus, Buddha, – and lots of clever women including Eris – will suggest meaning: of that highest order is to be found by sitting still – feeling/contacting the Life Force that is (whilst we are alive) vibrating within inside of us.
Who’d ave’ thunk it – that something so simple, so local – available NOW could offer us such deep meaning and the sense of Peace that arrives via that ‘feeling from inside’.
For me it is prudent – when dealing with any advice offered via the medium of Astrology to take it with a pinch of salt – and to use it archetypally. There are many in the field (of Astrology) who deem themselves Wisdom Keepers – Teachers – whose information is abstract simply due to it not being a lived experience.
Eris: the last word – the last (s)laughter.
When all is said and done – we can throw any amount of well-intentioned effort, any number of techniques or data at the situation that is in desperate need of address/change – remedy. Eris says “Yep – I can stay here all day and most of the night – happily chopping the heads off innocent children”. We as village members are responsible for the care of those children and our ongoing preference for nihilism will allow the Billionaire -Man/slaughter to go on. What you say – where is this happening – where are children being decapitated? Try the war ravaged sovereign nations that have been invaded by the US War Machine. Try the coffers of the Vatican – mountains of gold easily traced back to Child Sex Trafficking and kiddie porn and closer to home: as Eris’ twin brother Pluto enters Aquarius the rise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be marked. Too much screen time for developing sensitive brains/psyches will separate a child’s head from its body just as readily and efficiently as any light sabre. Guess what? The ball is in our court and by continuing to leave Eris outside the court uninvited to the ball – she will keep herself amused and gainfully employed – doing our Shadow work.
From No Thing to One Thing
Hi there Chiron – why the dig in the ribs? Oh you want to remind me “Within my Wound resides my gift – and the antidote for No-thing is Something – maybe even One thing” – OK got it – thanks….
And from One Thing back to Nothing – the power of inference
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