Let’s face it – the current set-up: that is the Saturnian structures are dissolving, failing. The illumination offered via this big bright beautiful Full Moon in Pisces is making sure and visible the old passé ways are being rendered inadequate – insufficient to contain the boundlessness of our true nature and the changes that are coming. It is that rare juncture – a Kairos moment (outside Chronos/time) where we get to see how we are both a drop in the vastness of the ocean of consciousness and we are also and at the same timeless moment the drop that holds the Ocean. Piscean/12th House is the womb of wisdom – recepitcal repository the container for the total the whole.
There are those who advocate that this is a time for letting go of what we – as individuals/the drop – want – instead what is best for the whole/ocean. As altruistic and noble as this seems –there is danger with type/level of abstractness. As humans all change needs to remain steeped in the 3D entity that is our own body/Self. This is where Venus, Jupiter, Taurus Libra and indeed Saturn all contribute to the potential of pending zeitgeist. Given that in essence we are indeed a vessel for ‘consciousness/God’ we are also the vessel and as such we think and we feel.
I have for the most part stayed away from discussion regarding the aspects of change that have been ushered in by way of negative Saturn (old model) ways. These last three years have wrought havoc and calamity. I have mentioned in previous posts that the Planet of Chaos (discord, strife) Eris is slowly making her way to square the Moon’s nodes and our wilfull neglect of this energetic offer to see the positive side of Chaos will definitely produce deplorable outcomes. We make these decisions – old mindset dogmatic attitudinal ways of responding are producing the Eris promise and prophecy. In our ongoing collective indolence and inability to ‘See’ a better way we are enabling the perpetuation of a Saturn form that is murdering innocents – Eris always said she would gleefully take the heads of the children.
As always Now – but perhaps more than at any other time prior – with Saturn in Pisces – we can encourage the dissolution of tired old ways. By befriending our 3D body/Self and using Venus to connect with ‘Hearts’ we can watch the old path dissolve under our feet while watching a new path appear in its stead. Mars in Libra says take action within relation- within relationship
What an opportunity – to be alive in a moment/Kairos to consult with the higher Self (Ocean) via the 3D body that is our individual Self/drop. Few get to know, fewer to consider this conundrum – the Space/Time – where we consciously, voluntarily become a vulnerable 3D Taurus expanding Jupiter drop in the Pisces ocean while being the drop that contains the 12th House total – the whole
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