Thank God I’m an atheist -more musing on Saturn in Pisces Dec 2023

While listening to an online discussion recently between two well-known philosophical thinkers chatting about topics: the Nature and mystery of Source/God, Human Consciousness – all the great questions: the thought occurred to me about my own particular ‘take’ – my peculiar angle regarding these always relevant topics. Even though these types of discussions always contain the absolutely necessary concepts like Beauty, Truth God consciousness et al – they also have the tendency to lean towards having a basis in (for want of better words) logical spirituality, fortuitously this provides an opening for my own peculiar astrologically based take on the matters ….. 

I guess being a Taurean I was always going to have my own biases a bent towards ‘things’ of substance – things of the Earth and there is plenty to consider with the inclusion into all ‘things’ Terra Firma if we include both the dark and divine aspects of the human creatures who inhabit her.

Both presenters in the aforementioned chat – spoke eloquently on how we humans – via our conscious awareness might ‘see’ the world and how the (incredible) human brain has capacity to make sense out of what we see. And to their credit both conclude that making sense is just the tip of a very big iceberg when discussing such topics, both know there is so much more involved in the human experience than mere brainpower and logic. Such findings always encourage and beckon me and may even make the task of presenting my own findings a little bit more palatable –  I guess we’ll see once I mention Sigmund Freud,

I am therefor in total agreement with the core contention that we each must (as common basic prerequisite) make God CONTACT the singular foundational component for living this earthly life – each and every day – encapsulating tasks like sweeping the path, making the bed and washing the dishes as ‘Spiritual Practices’ as conscious Sacred acts in reverence to the Divine.

The problem (with audience participation) might arise when as part of my particular angle should I dare to mention Sex (the act) as Sacred (8th House) Practice with just as much potential (to go looking for God) as all the other sacrifices to the Gods- some audience members may raise an eyebrow and a collective voice calling for Security – remove this pervert.

So this is another addendum to the current Transit of Saturn in Pisces – where the dry dogmatic sensible Lord of Karma and Time is swimming and floating inside the watery sensitive realms of the Pisces. And back to the Sex act the potential for complete flooding of the left brain logical view where the senses are in complete overwhelm – a state of direct God contact/consciousness via ecstatic experience.

The part of the audience (previously alerting Security for my removal) are not comfortable with the 8th House themes – Taboo – the Dark underbelly – let’s just ignore it – look away –stick our fingers into ears and pretend all is calm all is light. And we don’t have to look too hard or too far to see the results of trying to sweep this ‘powerful energy’ – (Libido that Freud suggested is driving force of the entire shootin’ match) under the carpet. Oh look we still don’t invite but she comes anyway Eris gets another mention – the US’ second biggest money spinner is the Child Sex industry – add porn to this and it would even challenge the US war machine for top spot as income earner. Suffer the little children – between child slavery, Child sex, kiddie porn and as collateral damage inside the war zone I think a chat about the merits of conscious Sex would be a fine inclusion into any conversations of God contact out of respect and honour and caring for our children.       

This place where Saturn is out of its depth –akin to our judgemental ways of seeing things through particular ingrained biases – smudged lenses – is the world of feeling – not brain control but heart surrender where Satcitananda collides with Le Petit mort  beyond the Saturnian constraints imposed by the space time continuum  – this is where we meet our God.

Three bits of advice as Saturn steel meets Pisces liquid –

First: the human body is comprised 70% water – it is always prudent to keep well hydrated – when thirsty replenish your water stocks – with more water

Second: Never take advice from anyone willing to give it

And third – Go Fuck yourself – We can only ever be as intimate with another in direct proportion to the depths we have plumbed within inside our own Self. All the chat, all the rhetoric, all the guidance no matter how well intentioned amounts to the proverbial hill of beans when not steeped within the hallowed halls of the human heart and the sacred pleasures of the human flesh.  

Music clip gratefully borrowed from Youtube

Forgiveness Betrayal – Chiron in Aries with a little help from Eris –

The italics below is a sentence taken from my Compass of Chiron Homepage it is part of a ‘set’ some offerings: Helpful Hints to other journey-people. The sentiment still rings true – (15 years on) but with all the happenings of today (2023) and that we are about midway through Chiron’s Transit of Aries I though/felt to run off at the fingers regarding how Forgiveness is crucial ingredient in the Healing process and the offer to find forgiveness within the Self for the Betrayals that are integral component of our life journey.

Recognise, acknowledge, accept then integrate all aspects of your own DARK SELF; that part of you capable of almost any thought, any deed. Denial or contempt for this part of oneself serves only to produce inequality and separateness as opposed to providing the seedbed and growing medium for your own CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Acceptance of the whole will interfere with and disrupt the habit of projecting blame onto others. Armed with this understanding we can FORGIVE ourselves for any transgressions against ourselves or against others then FORGIVE ALL OTHERS of and for the same; what we once had called TRANSGRESSIONS we now perceive as LESSONS.

The work that I have done over the years regarding the Chiron ‘Wound’ –  reveals that ‘symptoms’  as part of this woundedness can appear and reappear at any time throughout the day to day minutia of life. The ‘Scar that won’t heal’ seems like an affliction, a level of burden – an unfair punishment for a crime that we did not commit. Taking this perspective/stance might bring slight temporary relief. but If we persist with the adopting of this ‘victim’ status  we not only forfeit the potential for applying balm – via meaningful change – we can also lose the opportunity to promote Healing via  energy that gets lost in the blaming of an ‘external culprit.

In another recent post I mentioned ‘the sins of the father’ or Going about my father’s business’ and the wound becomes generationally perpetuated when we insist the ‘fault’ of/for this crime was/is another – the perpetrator.

I am not suggesting for an instant that ‘Forgiveness’ within some situations be mindlessly automatic.  Events where the ‘Betrayer’ was likely the one/s in whom we placed our trust can be devastating. I know of some whose parents visited appalling treatment upon their children. I know also that those who chose/choose to remain ‘victims’ can go on to perpetuate these same injustices – hurting their own children not knowing why and seemingly unable to stop.

Let’s ask Eris about conduct – Personal & Collective

Today the “Wealthiest’ nation on planet Gaia – the USA makes its income from three (3) main sources:

1 The US War Machine – where children are murdered – viewed as collateral damage – casualties of justifiable conflict

2. Child Sex trafficking/child pornography and slavery

3.  Pharmaceutical/narcotic sales legal and illegal.

A list that is shocking indictment of an appallingly flawed ‘system’  – is also the obvious result of what happens when we (as individuals) continue to foist aspects of our own Self onto any other external entities.

In previous posts Eris has been given some air-time so just a quick recap of what Eris has to contribute (archetypally) to the efforts of those walking their path with intentional integrity. Eris is part of our Shadow – as sister to Mars she can operate with pure aggression -without scruples – and she has now (2023) come to the fore because she is forcing us to look at a shunned aspect of our own Self.  The Eris myth tells it this way – Eris s not invited to the ‘Wedding Feast’ – the ‘civilised’ part of psyche doesn’t want to include that part of our (Shadow) Self that is disruptive dissenting. And because this is exactly the part of us that is needed Now she is inviting herself – her warrior adversarial spirit has arrived ready for war where she declares: because I am shunned then – ‘Now there are no rules’ – no quarter asked and definitely none given.

Do we really think that it is OK to sit in (ignorant) comfort while children are being butchered and raped? Let’s consider this honestly – no obviously we can’t go charging onto the front-lines of yet another US War Machine invasion/incursion. What can I do instead?

In my life I am currently being shown an aspect of my own Zombified Shadow. It’s a part of my-Self that I prefer to disown – suggesting instead that the other person is at fault – to blame and it is they need to change. Mmmm sounds a bit like what I am doing is the identical happenings of the ‘Collective’ approach to the Chiron Wound?

NB:  Both Chiron and Eris can shapeshift – they can (and will) take on any form use any trick in order to deliver the ‘message’ make the point..

So what is the ‘Treatment’? – start each day with a breakfast of Humble Pie and Forgiveness – each (non-gender) Master Soul is going to tell us the same things – the Law of karma is always operating – the outcome of each moment is based upon the moment that preceded it. We have to realise that shunning and blaming serve only to perpetuate (maybe even amplify) the disastrous situation. The ones we want (so badly) to blame are in fact our greatest gift – they show us a part of the Self – our self that we were told is so abhorrent that automatic rejection is the only option. When we decide instead to own, to integrate our own Dark Self we find a gift so rare, so powerfilled that integration via invitation can affect the changes needed.  There is but one balm, one salve – one remedy – one ‘Treatment’. Yes we sustained an injury – it was NOT our fault. Shunning an unwanted aspect of Self only continues to inflame, enrage as does Blaming others for their unconscious behaviours – each of us can only operate from our level of understanding available to us at any given point on our path on our journey. Let everyone – including Self off the hook “Forgive Them Father – for They know not What they did/do”

Music clip gatefully borrowed from Youtube