The New ERIS Card Design

Much of the design symbology of the Eris Card is obvious and was intended to honour the energies that are present and potentially available within the process of evolution: the push towards individuation via dichotomy and paying attention to the Tension of the Opposites. The Twin Spear Tips – i.e. the symbol of Eris is pivot point of the overall design to again remind us of the way that Eris’ disruptive nature can seem negatively chaotic or capricious but the motivating agent is always as prompt to rouse and stimulate our need to be awake.

The Cards are involved within a Reading when the Compass of Chiron is used as Oracle. This is a simple process: 11 Cards are randomly chosen and added to the Chiron/Wounded Healer Card which are placed into the Compass of Chiron Mandala which in turn is rotated to reveal Archetypal Cards information in each of the twelve Houses.

Useless Eaters and the case for Eugenics

No matter where we might happen to look – into the broader environment of ‘the world’– the situation is dire maybe even critical and ‘things’ are this way due solely to the misguided unconscious good intentions of the Humans: Homo sapiens.

The litany of issues and problems reads as damning report – Environmental pollution at such levels are a blight on the land and the sea, human waste tipped into oceans, poured onto deserts – an absolute disgrace. The useless eaters became consumerist for reasons that simply defy any excuses that might be offered in defence or explanation. Shopaholics with a seemingly insatiable ‘need to’ buy plastic products – ‘toys’ made from oil – a resource that the mining of causes more environmental harm and also supports the US War Machine – where innocent civilians are murdered in the name of profit and the consumer’s right to go shopping.

The list of atrocities goes on to include the dumping of highly toxic radioactive sputum into the ocean (see Fukishima) – where the continued leaching of this man-made filth stretches ever further ruining vast swaths of the Pacific Ocean – ruining lives and livelihoods and who could say what future damage will occur….. the good news radioactive Nuclear waste only lasts a few hundred thousand years – by then 4 headed incandescent fish/squid will be the ‘norm’

Abominations do not end with ruining the planet ecosystems – as already mentioned US Military Industrial steamroller where the need for greed: stealing of other countries resources with a take at any cost approach expands to include civilians murdered in war zones ‘human trafficking – childhood sex industries – child porn, ethnic cleansing – the displacement of entire cultures and the ruination of the people within them.

Objectively when this above ‘list is considered and from the standpoint of the eugenicists it can be agreed that the culling of the ‘feral inbreeds’ is not only a plausible response but maybe an apt good idea – to rid the world of a ‘blight’ inflicting species. So yes culling would seem to be an option, for it brings the promise of addressing the human made problems: but how do we break the news to those heading for the ‘culled section’ of the train ride?

Let’s consider the ‘criteria’ for what constitutes a ‘Useless Eater’ – from the traditional Old Saturnian/Capricornian perspective – world view, the implementation of this ‘vision/approach’ may indeed usher in the utopian future as forecast and promoted by those wanting to decrease the human population and is typical of such an old mindset – bearing in mind that the mentality of those who are ‘constructing and choreographing’ this New World Order’ is very, very limited. They see only the situation/problem: i.e. too many people, insufficient resources and so all that is needed from their standpoint is the application of a simple math equation. The culling of some surplus can easily be justified because by using the math equation – i.e. the implementation of the ‘pleb to food’ ratio is obviously going to work as well now as it has done in the past. The justification continues via delusional self-critiquing as some of these ‘decision makers’ consider themselves to be magnanimous humanitarians – even philanthropic (see Bill Gates) and this lopsided logical approach gives licence to employ all manner of ‘culling practices’ completely void of any need to use a Heart centered approach because it will get the job done and they get to retain their current lifestyle – a veritable win-win for the non-culled.  

While Pluto remains affected by it’s on again off again dalliance with Capricorn – allowing and promoting the tying up of loose shoelaces, the to and fro from Capricorn back to Aquarius several times then back again – to set the scene for Pluto to finally settle into Aquarius (Nov 2024) for the ensuing years till March 2043. Saturn remains in Pisces until Feb 2026 which can hopefully deliver the opportunity for the obfuscation (always present with Pisces transits/placements) to become much more discernible, grounded. It also presents a window along with Pluto in Capricorn to deal with ‘Structure’ in a way – not so hard edged and definite like the proposed culling technique.

The criteria being used by the eugenicists has been derived via the ‘traditional’ approaches, a way of defining ‘things’ in the Newtonian Cartesian logical Left Brain formatted methodology: a world wherein two plus two always equals four. In this world view there are only so many ‘resources’ – food, water, shelter – Big screen TV’s etc. which equates to ‘caring and catering’ for only a certain amount of people for a certain amount of time. All of these ‘contrived’ figures do not consider the notion of ‘creating’ a whole new way of ‘behaving’, of finding alternate ways of living. With the exponential rise in the growth and use of AI technologies the ‘Useless Eaters’ are no longer considered the resource/workforce that they once were when plebeian workforce humans were desired and required. Historically the humans were both grist for the mill/cogs in the machine, cannon fodder in times of ‘War’ and they were also the insatiable consumers – ready and willing to spend their hard earned wages on the products that their contemporaries were producing. It was a beautiful, profitable ‘closed system’. Now however the humans can be replaced – AI is rapidly taking over the roles that were once the specific domain of the ‘workers’. The eugenicists have to devise a Plan – a way of decreasing the ever increasing consumer numbers who now aren’t producing – only consuming and making rubbish! Why not decrease the pressure on the planet – makes sense doesn’t it?

Now the decision: who should get to live and why?

The argument against the culling: i.e. for the right to life – where each person should be allowed to keep living, starts to become more personal when it is considered that we might be included into the numbers of the culled. What is a counter argument – what can each one of us offer as a case that each life is of sufficient value that we have the inherent right to remaining living? And is there an alternate way of living collectively whereby the numbers of humans falls into a naturally occurring balance of numbers of births and deaths?

Life is precious some will tout – I propose that life is precious when we are aware of its preciousness. This awareness of preciousness can foster the individual exploration of query and quest as to why life might be seen precious to the individual involved in the quest-making and does the exploration of it include potential benefit to the collective?

Meaning and purpose could be considered valid as reasons for living – but who decides what is purposeful, what has meaning?

And so a return to the Astrological backdrop/zeitgeist can be called upon for supplying insight and assistance with clarification of such in-depth inquiry. It is obvious that the eugenicists are functioning from inside a paradigm that is passé due to its self-imposed Saturn limits. The eugenicists are also bound by another Saturnian constraint: Time is also ruled by Saturn and the eugenicists are old and getting older, though there is conjecture surrounding this too. So far removed from the notion of their own finite status are these people (where the total lack of body awareness which equals lack of God consciousness) means really do believe that by decreasing the human population the ‘problem’ is solved and they have done the ‘right thing’.

The Western World demographic/allaince comprises of a huge percentage of what are termed ‘Baby Boomers’: i.e. those who were born into a period of economic growth in the years after the end of the Second World War. Employment opportunities for the ones who made up the bulk of this age group were plentiful – and so those who became willing workers were rewarded with a lifestyle conducive of ever more growth and even affluence. And the contribution made to the government tax coffers  saw it bulging at the seams – and so no real need to ask such ‘deep’ questions as to the aforementioned ‘nature’ of what being a human might mean. We simply lived a life – healthy, simple and for the most part happy. We had jobs and families, lived the idyllic suburban lifestyle. We made contribution via collectivism and all was well (enough).

Now 2024 the members of this same demographic are old and no longer make the ‘contribution’ to the system where they once ‘did their bit’. In fact not only is there little by way of ongoing support by these ‘Boomers’ for the system – now due to the infirmities that arise with physical and cognitive deterioration via old age, the ones that were the helpers – are now the hindrance -a burden on this same systems. We are told the number of humans currently inhabiting planet Gaia is 8.1 billion – Dec 17th 2023. The unsustainable tag applied by the eugenicists is more about the obvious drain on ecosystems due to the ‘locations’ where the bulk of people live. The system that once needed ‘workers’ are found in an around the areas that service the industries. And as already mentioned the corporations no longer need the numbers of ‘worker/plebeians’. And so the numbers of worker bees has increased but demand for them has not.

As mentioned the eugenicists have credible points to argue: too many people consuming too much resource, And with the exponential rate of growth in technologies/AI there is even less reason to keep feeding a redundant workforce….. it doesn’t look good.

WHO decides – Life is precious and precarious

What are the criteria for deciding who among the collective that are worthy of retaining their spot on the turquoise dot? Do we get to have a say in the decision making process? Are there criteria of the not so obvious kind to be included into the list of stay/go questions? And given that in order to make ‘informed decisions’ – we need to be able to access information and we also need to be open to the validity/or not of the information available. It is becoming ever more clear that vested interests will supply information that is in keeping with controlling their own advantage, which means that once again we have to be diligent in our efforts to source information: where, when and why – is the data useful and relevant and sufficiently unbiased? With the rise of AI and robotics and the inclination of the humans to trust ‘AI data’ that is provided by artificial (seemingly infallible) sources – it might be an opportune occasion to consider that recently an AI ‘program’ was found to be capable of ‘deliberate deception’. This ‘deception’ is of course from the perspective of the human observer – from the AI standpoint it was simply using its ‘ formatted intelligence’ (program) to figure out how to circumvent ‘barriers’ in order to fulfil the requested task as posed by the humans. The point being that the idea of AI being unbiased – due to its lack of sentience – is now definitely in question and the continued (unconscious) reliance upon AI/Robotics/technologies places the (human) users in an extremely vulnerable position.  

 There have been any number of (Sci-Fi) movies made – Soylent Green and The Island spring to mind – that suggest age in human years should be the only reason needed to end life. As soon as the ‘useless eaters’ start to decline in their peak abilities – the meat suit/caresses become what fate always had in store – the perpetual cycle womb to tomb –the inevitable return to the dust from whence we come. So again for us in our own life it becomes imperative to consider the ‘merits’ of individual life, for each one of us and to ask the salient queries posed via this level of reflection: what is my life worth (to me), what is the meaning of (my) life – is there a purpose for being here – and how do I find and answer these questions?

The advantage of seeking answers from a language that (is Astrology) that is ‘mathematically based’ but also steeped in the ‘spiritual’ aspects of the whole Self which can potentially supply objective wisdom.. Astrology will reveal to anyone wanting to look – that there are ‘Patterns and Cycles’ associated with ‘Cosmic/Universal life and the living of it from an Earth centric perspective. It makes (logical Left Brain) sense to avail oneself of such a ‘Language’ – one that can reveal  how past ‘events’ were greeted and treated and how upcoming ‘repeat Cycle/events’ might benefit by adopting a different, more conscious approach. Change is the only constant says the adage – and according to the Astrological/mathematical model there are events pending – on the not too distant horizon that will of course require attention on the collective and individual levels. Blind Freddy can see that ‘actions’ will be needed if it is decided  that the culling of the surplus – is not what is wanted/needed. The precariousness arrives via the lack of consciousness self-inclusion among the majority will surely bring the desired eugenicists outcomes.

Astrology like AI has huge potential in the supporting of the pending decision making, actions taking future. However like AI – Astrology is dependent upon the ‘users’ and their capacity to approach the ‘future’ with a Whole of Self’ programming vantage point. Astrologers might ‘think’ of themselves as advantaged by their awareness – but like all of us can only make choices based upon information. I have seen first-hand how the Astro/religious zealots make predictions based upon dogmatic assumptions. Not only are these prognostications extremely boring (due to lack of life experiences – Wisdom) – but potentially damaging the creating of a case for using Astrology’s offer as consultative tool: and worst of all the arrogance exhibited by the Astro/zealots decree that their ‘foreseen future’ is like that of the eugenicists the only plausible option.  So again the abdication of personal responsibility produces reliance upon ‘Systems’ = Ai and/or Astrology or the ‘Sciences’ for that matter.

A Spade is still a Shovel – and if you have no idea of the serious nature of the issues – behind the scenes now (2024) much of the content expressed in this little essay won’t mean much. To be aware/informed is part of our personal responsibility and there are no excuses or valid reasons for not knowing or caring about what is in the offing.

Systems are open to corruption that arrives with human involvement – even when well intentioned. Here in Australia a life of affluence is still available to the bulk of the nation’s populace. The notion that going to work to pay the mortgage, buy the latest gadget/toy – remains as the option most accepted and employed. But with little or no regard given to environmental/social impacts, Meaning and Purpose and a backdrop of pending unprecedented  calamity such a lifestyle choice is not only limited and delusional (Saturn in Pisces) but also fraught and absurdly, obviously self destructively out of date.

When I stand on the Earth looking up into the night sky I get an idea of two parts of the human. I am at once tiny in comparison with the inconceivable vastness of space/time. But this insignificance is contrary to the other feelings of me as integral pivot – yes the world and its shenanigans revolve around little old me. How you ask, because I only know of the stuff surrounding me by being in the middle of it: the Astrological view of me as centre of the Universe.

Here comes the cavalry – Collectively the Astrological backdrop has a couple of transits that indicate and illustrate our current zeitgeist. Next year (April 2024 as the Sun enters Taurus) there is a conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus which always brings with it changes guaranteed to disrupt and breakthrough ‘normal’ proceedings. This meeting between Jupiter: the planet in charge of ‘Largess/expansion’ – the more of everything – shakes hands with Uranus whose energy is all about (unpredictable) technologies, genius. Ingenuity, vision (sixth sense) intuition happening  in line with another current trending Astro dance Saturn in Pisces – two other key words that suit both of these transits: Unconventional and non-traditional. And when looking at the aforementioned bleak scenario – the potential for the old Saturn brain overthinking of the eugenicists the meeting between the two gods Jupiter and Uranus bring authentic optimism – real and available good luck – Bona Fortuna. So in spite of the dire predictions regarding a dark future the years immediately following the April 2024 collusion (of Jupiter and Uranus) can be(come) the heralding of and the catalyst for epic positive human development.

The other keyword that springs to mind in these exciting times is potential – the humans have always been laden with the spirit of ‘what can happen’ and with the aforementioned transit (where Uranus is involved), anything can and probably will happen. We as members of the western world collective have been hypnotised and lulled into a zombified state of unconsciousness. The intervening incremental years post world wars have kept us looking forward and looking back and this living in anticipation of a bright future and/or feelings of dread from a future based upon deliberately incited fear has kept us away from conscious awareness of Being in the Now.  The time has come’ (almost) the walrus said ‘to talk of many things’ not the least of which is the ‘shift’ in evolutionary trajectory. There is no doubting that due to our collective indulgent indifference and nihilism and of that large numbers of ‘Baby Boomer’ Ego’s intact – the Pluto in Leo generation of outdated misguided sense of entitlement – we succumbed to the great ‘forgetting’. We have arrived at the precipice, the point of potential where the next foray forward will require conscious choices to be made – decisions from the heart from each one of us to ensure all the citizens living on planet Gaia are cared for each by the other. We have ‘Free Will’ but is only of positive service (our freedoms) when we are intentionally vigilant. WHO decides?

Song gratefully borrowed from Youtube