If it’s true that what the Master suggest ‘the ocean is contained within the drop’ then this is a very good definition and analogy for what others call the Holographic Universe. I’ve been banging on about this notion for about 18 months – since Saturn went into Pisces March 7th 2023 and the Neptunian, Piscean fogginess blurring of distinct definition – that the scientific (left brain) perspective can’t cope with and or stand about approaches like astrology. The knowing of the Astro perspective does at least provide for being a bit empathetic to those who’s vision is limited due to the restrictions imposed by their own belief systems.
As more and more evidence comes to light regarding the once concrete (Saturnian) structures, being a reliable way to underpin scientific dogma – all outdated theories continue to unravel – to dissipate into the fogginess – those with the abilities to remain open to the ‘incoming’ new ways and explanations are advantaged. A recent presentation (by Dr Tom Cowan) shows that even theories that come with the highest scientific accolades (e.g. Nobel Prize) are farcical and fraudulent – total fantasy akin to the tale of the Emperors New fashion statement. In his most recent expose Dr Tom shows how the theories regarding DNA/Genome etal. – which underpin the entire medical model are based upon nothing more that 70 year old supposition and superstition – what Dr Tom refers to as Hooey.
Dr Tom is not so hubristic as to say that he knows the answers to the mistakes of this scientific dogma – he is simply pointing out that the theories held up by the old saturnian scientific community- as being irrefutable – are simply Hooey.
This new situation when considered with an open ‘mind’ has the potential to herald in a new way/paradigm of working towards finding answers capable of functioning where information can be discussed and findings as they present can be made available to all.
And of course this is the very reason why discussion is suddenly shunned as dissention and any new findings must be immediately refuted as ‘conspiracy’ because the sharing of true information has the castle walls of the elitist purple circle cliques come tumbling down – and the positions of might and power that are part of the ‘scientism community’ arrangements dissipate along with the dissolving Hooey.