In my own Natal chart I have Jupiter and Uranus in the eighth house and part of the ‘topics, issues’ within this house are concerned with Occult and Taboo. Many topics within western civilisation have (somehow over the centuries) become taboo and then consigned to the realms of occultism. The dictionary defines the word occult to mean something that is hidden, so the obvious question becomes: who decides what should be hidden?
As the power of the ‘churches’ became ever more dominant within civilised western culture – they made determinations about what subject matter could be included into the public domain and lexicon. I consider it such Bona Fortuna – that I personally have need (supported by 12th house Scorpionic tendencies/energies) to go a bit deeper, a need to go below the surface and find what might be hidden – ‘things’ – i.e. topics which for many are considered too taboo and automatically by de-fault too occult.
By now it should be apparent to anyone paying attention and willing to see, that as a collective we have been deliberately duped into having faith in a system that promoted itself as having the best interests of the collective as core motivating agent. In fact close scrutiny will reveal that the system that has been presented as foundational for the construction and implementation of ‘structures’ supposedly designed to be in service to and for the collective can now be seen as the means that gives advantage and benefit to only those few who have access to these limited and limiting ‘structures’. The extreme opinions from either end of this notion (of having been deliberately subjected to systemic malfeasance): i.e. there are those who are oblivious either by choice or via innocent ignorance and the other extreme, the Tinfoil Hat brigade (of which I am proud founding member) might both miss opportunities that can appear via the adoption of a more moderate ‘middle path’ approach. Revelations that did/do surface via the extremes of swinging pendulum are necessary but making use of findings is what will promote change.
If this current state of affairs can now be seen – by the ever increasing numbers of the collective who are becoming more informed that this malfunctioning system is being retained by those few – then those of us intent on remaining true to an ideal of an available evolutionary trajectory need to now create an alternate approach. Our own adherence to continuing to point at the problem – without offering a replacement – is an exercise in wasted time, energy and resources and does nothing to promote and produce better outcomes.
The current Astro backdrop e.g. Mars and Jupiter into Gemini placements present opportunities to access and use the faculties of the Self that are linked to the Gemini archetype Mind/brain to locate and collate a framework from which we can construe and construct a more meaningful and tangible working system: one that brings benefit to all inhabitants of Gaia. The rise of AI is presented by some as potentially malicious but as with all things – the blade, the coin, the people – will be seen to have two sides. Jupiter is soon (August 20 2024) to be Square to Saturn and this moving away is after the conjunction (between Saturn and Jupiter) as part of the Great Scamdemic Circa March 2020. At this initial meet up, seeds were sewn and as we move through this particular (20 year) gardening cycle seeds will sprout and shoots will become visible. The Aquarian influence including AI can be used to great benefit and when we consider to include holding the tension of the opposites (Jupiter at one end and Saturn at the other) this dynamism has the potential – if seen and used properly – to become harbinger of a bright and cooperative future not the doom and gloom scenario as predicted in Sci-Fi Terminator stories.
Without resorting to the situation as problematic and therefor stymieing we can instead look at the parts of the system that don’t work as challenges in need of review and repair. At this juncture the notion of SURRENDER holds incredible value. Dropping our hubris in exchange for humility – the admission that most of what we have been ‘taught’ will be of little use as move into the New Age – this can be a very joyful liberating experience.
Let’s take for example an aspect of the total or whole: i.e. the need for optimal wholistic health. There are many ‘Healer/practitioners’ who have done the hard yards (using Chiron in Aries energies to gain insight) and have the means whereby everyone can have access to modalities and treatment regimens that can affect real health improvement and beneficial changes to the whole of the individual Self. The old ‘system’; based upon a mechanism of industry ‘control’ where remedial actions come by way of a pharmaceutical medical model is in dire need of dismantling, even an objective glance will expose the tyranny within this model. And the best way for needed changes to be implemented is to simply walk away from the model that is obviously no longer supportive of either the individual’s healing quest or the health benefits of the whole.
As mentioned prior – the ‘system’ we have been using is decrepit and obsolete but finger pointing does little to assist with finding/building a better way. With this in mind – the intention arrives in a bid to prompt and promote the New Age – creation of a more inclusive model. I tender some musing guidelines below that are based upon changes that I can make within my own immediate environment that have the potential to support the collective evolutionary push towards the birthing of ……. I don’t know yet, but I’m willing to look and see.
Some offerings – Helpful Hints – One traveller to another
KEEP IT SIMPLE and continue to use your intuition to FEEL YOUR LIFE, the course of which will remain a series of crests and troughs. Take the time to sit, ponder and contemplate. Find your own rhythm; BE STILL IN MOTION and remember the path that is your journey is being designed and constructed MOMENT TO MOMENT by and for your wise Self. All the assistance and assistants will be forthcoming. Stay open to form; THINGS ARE RARELY ALL THEY SEEM.
Understand the DYNAMICS OF GIVING; help others, those fellow travellers, kindred spirits who are also on their journey; offer what you can but not to your own detriment. Such offers adds positive energy to the collective effort and further causes the rate of vibration to rise which in-turn is supporting the EVOLUTION. Valuable necessities and resource will be exchanged for information. WISDOM & INSIGHT gained via genuine effort becomes a form of currency and as such are extremely valuable to fellow seekers/travellers.
Maintain the COMMITMENT to search for your PERSONAL TRUTH and remain in contact with the DIVINE WITHIN. Working from the NOW allows us to BEGIN then BEGIN AGAIN. Find firm footing from which to take your next step and keep in mind that ‘an inch is better than a mile in the wrong direction’. There may be times when the gradient is too steep, the chasm too wide. At these times go gently, rest and retreat if need be in order to re-gain the impetus you may require to make a successful leap. Whenever you feel lost/disconnected remember that this feeling is the GAP between your potential and where you happen to be; Breath, (feel that subtle all-powerful vibration) and BEGIN again with glad heart.
Recognise, acknowledge, accept then integrate all aspects of your own DARK SELF; that part of you capable of almost any thought, any deed. Denial or contempt for this part of oneself serves only to produce inequality and separateness as opposed to providing the seedbed and growing medium for your own CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Acceptance of the whole will interfere with and disrupt the habit of projecting blame onto others. Armed with this understanding we can FORGIVE ourselves for any transgressions against ourselves or against others then FORGIVE ALL OTHERS of and for the same; what we once had called TRANSGRESSIONS we now perceive as LESSONS.
NURTURE YOURSELF; tend to your home and garden; this is high priority for when we allow our reserves of energy to become depleted we become less resistant to ‘invasion’. We also have the innate tendency to go in search of the means by which we can replenish our dwindling energy stocks and we also become prone to negative perspectives. In so doing we are likely to get caught up in (emotional) dramas that revolve around energy theft. Therefor BREAK ANY HABITS that rely upon using tired old techniques for manipulating others within relationship. Each time we opt for using such redundant formulae we inadvertently relinquish the potential for EVOLUTION
KEEP THE FAITH; don’t sell yourself nor succumb to pressure either internal or external. Make conscious lifestyle choices and decisions that will bolster personal energy levels. Retain as essential requirements the priorities of; good food, good water, regular exercise and rest and always allow sufficient time and space for SLEEP. Keep connected to your DREAMS which can supply vital link between your waking and sleeping worlds. The aspect and importance of self-care cannot be over emphasised for it is when we are healthy that we can be helpful and god helps those who help themselves.
Be thankful for your life; openly express your gratitude via involvement in the act of CREATION in whatever form you choose. Revere the opportunity that presents with this life and take advantage of spending time in natural environments. Places and spaces that have retained their unspoilt beauty are conducive to re-learning the ART OF APPRECIATION and can assist with the recouping of waning energy levels and inspiration. The few remaining (wild) places are an irreplaceable treasure and as such are to be protected and maintained with care. Where the external image of beauty re-minds us of the divine within inside of us appreciation for both will add energy and impetus to increase the push towards EVOLUTION.
Don’t mistake your persona, your mask for your SELF. REINVENT if you so choose the world and your place within it. No need to try to impress others; YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF –who you really are is sufficiently impressive. PLAY, HAVE FUN, ENJOY. Give up any futile attempts to CONTROL and find SECURITY within your Self, within your BEING. Keep the focus on spirit, soul, intuitiveness and organismically based feelings and consciousness and always remember that SURRENDER IS NOT ADIRTY WORD.
There are only a handful of things that should concern those of us aware of our life’s journey; the life you have, what you do with this life and the PASSION you bring to your journey. The basic gift on offer from the energy of Chiron resides in the promotion of the urge to discover our COURAGE in order that we locate and use our passion in the pursuit of our personal TRUTH and DESTINY
Worship the divine within, the entity that sustains all things and has only your best interest at heart. KNOW THAT YOU BELONG and that YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Stay alert for signals, messages and guidance where form and presentation will change. Your unique energetic vibration paired with your WILLINGNESS to REMAIN OPEN and to EXPAND – to become MORE than you were – will surely invite meaningful coincidence, chance meetings, serendipity and synchronicity. Your Destiny is unfolding in some striking and very personalised way and there is no side-stepping the inevitable. For each of us there have been challenges, rites of passage and now is definitely not the time to live in fear of your life or the changes that have arrived with more still to come. It is the time to embrace the opportunity of the moment, no matter how risky or uncertain it feels, to stand with courage and be fully present for yourself and your loved ones. To create, to participate, to contribute, and to raise the rate of the evolutionary vibration and the quality of life as best you can right where you are NOW – this is your time and this is the task, to find and embrace your authentic self and to honour your personal TRUTH. If you can with glad heart rise to this occasion, if you can do this, you will serve yourself, your loved ones and the planet in a fashion that is beyond any previous limitation and beyond compare.
The requirement for CONTACT with Self will always be the foundational aspect of conscious living, This CONTACT is not via dogma, it occurs outside the realm of intellectual meandering – Be brave and mighty forces will assist.