Away from the Dreamworld

Trump will be returned to the Oval office via inauguration on the 6th of January 2025. Immediately after his election victory he began to handpick the Team members that would commence the work he had promised during the lead-up to the election. The political system in the US was run and controlled by those with all the money and it is applying immediate remedial action to this malfunctioning body that would attract Trump’s initial attention and focus. So far (on paper) it all looks as though he might keep some of his promises. However my cynicism – born of too many seasons as observer of sleight of hand politics – reminds of the need to remain vigilant when it comes to promises made during the honeymoon. When Trump was last in (the Oval) office – during the great Scamdemic – he was the one who initiated/enacted Operation Warp Speed. Acting on the advice from Anthony Fauci he gave the command to get as many jabs into as many arms as was inhumanely possible. He is also a close ‘associate’ of Netanyahu – known child murder and the man who invited Pfizer into Israel to dole out mandated jabs to almost the entire country. This very close link with Israel, can be easily extrapolated to see that Trump retains close ties with the same Zionist cabal that have long been in charge of the American government.

In a little over one months’ time when Trump’s presidential title becomes sworn into being, the promises made during the emotional highs of honeymoon (post election results) should reveal the lay of the landscape and the evidentiary shape of Trump’s intentions. Early signs show some positive signs but there are indications of how lifelong attitudes and habits can die hard. Trumps choice/nominee for Surgeon General for example is a young full bodied pretty/sexy ‘thing’ that could have come straight from Donny’s little Black Book which could also mean that the ‘couch test’ was part of the job interview. And to make the appointment even more suspect is that she: Janette Nesheiwat is a known affiliate of Fauci’s Medical Mafia. Other Members of Trumps Team are also suspect with Marty Makary a former senior administrator for the WHO and Dave Weldon (from Florida congress) to lead the new fashioned CDC. Of course it’s a wait and see scenario – fingers crossed and hopefully Trump proves to be the man for ‘Cometh the hour’ as part of America’s Pluto Return and amended ways.

Who’s a birdbrain then?

What is it that disallows the religious Christian zealots to see that their ideology and penchant for dogma is the very same attitudinal practice that is responsible for nailing their lord and saviour on the crucifix. The blind bigotry, the wilful stupidity of binding oneself to dogma rather than be vulnerable and open to seeing a deeper truth – the whole truth – so help me God, since when did Jesus say “Go forth and start a Jesus club”? Jesus was an anti-religious troublemaker who said God is within and each must find her there. He never said go to church every Sunday and read a stupid book.

 A modern day Master has said “Your ability to think is God’s gift to you – what you choose to think about is your gift to yourself”.

 I was once living in a small town whose ‘residents’ included a flock of indigenous parrots – white Corellas. The flock number (at a guess) about 2,500 and when sitting/perched on tree branches and/or strolling along the ground pecking at anything edible they were very quiet. There is another indigenous bird (raptor Wedge Tailed Eagle that would occasionally sail into town on thermal currents. And I guess like all birds the Corellas have a designated ‘lookout’ and when the Eagle (as predator) is spied the flock explodes into a raucous cacophony of Corella chorus and into the wide blue yonder they screamed. The point is that as they become a ‘school, a herd they fly in unison – pitching and stalling as a single entity in a bid to evade/cheat death at the talons of the huge incoming threat, they become an easier target. Had they instead continued with their quiet perching and walking amid the grasses they would have all been safe.

The recent Kovid ‘alert’ prompted and promoted by incessant fear porn from mainstream media had the entire Western human ‘flock’ squawking and squabbling about the incoming lethal virus and we all had to take evasive action. In ever growing lengthy queues we lined up for PCR and jabs. Our ability for critical thought non-existent as we became flightless parrots hiding behind our masks for OHS and we complied with new rules from ‘officials’ who knew less than we did. Still people ‘believe’ this rubbish – lost in space?

As for the dream content – which as previously advised – belongs solely to the dreamer: the wise humility of the Man’s man – said that the Man who would be king needs to let go the prop of substance addiction. All good addicts can find justification for their habit. And mine was no different, no better, no worse. I have been leaning on my morning caffeine hit – cup of coffee – a drug with very underrated (insidious) powers. Uranus was part of the Full Moon in Taurus configuration and the nervous system comes under the rule of Uranus. One of the side effects of caffeine use is an assault on nervous system function by suppressing the neuromodulator adenosine. But as with all substances that become habitual the negatives have a counter. When first used amid the mountain dwellers (of Ethiopia) who found that by chewing on the berries the coffee plant containing the drug – they were able to extract the essence that enabled them to access their full physical potential at high altitudes. Fast forward to the suburban streets of the civilised west where the morning cuppa Joe retains the ability to stimulate the endocrine system to produce a chemical/hormone cocktail that had the imbiber feeling almost human- at least functional. This ritual becomes habitual where coffee is now the most used (legal stimulant) drug by far. Recent figures suggest at least 80% of the western population depend on the upper effects of coffee simply to manage their day-to day activities. The dream message for the dreamer – use my critical thinking ability to make the necessary adjustment.

Scorpio Sunrays reflected onto Earthly Moonscape

Dream from Full Moon in Taurus 2024

I was Donny Trump’s Private assistant – and this dreamscape provided space and opportunity for me to get up close and personal and to see the Hu-Man. My (usually hard edged) personal opinion of Trump was softened by this interactive dynamic – because I could see that like all human beenz Donny was concerned and consternated. Inside the dream he and I had built a ‘relationship’ based upon trust via familiarity – even though my own mother had always warned of the perils associated with ‘familiarity’. So with me as convenient available sounding board Orange Jesus asked for my opinion about some pressing issues. And to his credit he listened as I said: the first thing needed was for him to amend his habitual reliance on Adderall – speed Caffeine. He acknowledged the ‘truth’ of my expressed views – but retained his preference to go in the same (tried and true) direction. And of course herein lies the problem. When Old Saturn ways that no longer serve are retained, detriment is assured.

Row row row ya boat – What does it all mean – what relevant information is available within this dream?

Whenever my own counsel is sought about dream content and interpretation I always suggest ‘The Dream belongs to the Dreamer’ and all characters within the dream are aspects of the dreamers own psyche. And where investigation and the teasing out meaning requires the language of Myths, Symbols and Archetypes – Right Brain poetry guiding Left Brain logic.

The backdrop at the time (of the Dream) was the US presidential election – and Donny was (once more) given superhuman status – by/from his devoted followers the thronging masses. My dream of course offered the chance to see the man behind the legend, with the attendant message – he’s just a man, he is NOT a saviour, he cannot change the ‘world’ he isn’t supposed to. The adopting of this approach allows us to see and use the psychology that grew out of Freud’s seminal work. Archetypally and Astrologically we can see the ‘energies’ at play within our own psyche within the specific timeslot wherein the dream has occurred. The man who would be king within my own Astrology is Sun in 5th house -and there is no doubting that there is a part of me that is ready and willing to be leader and saviour. The Dream also shows the part of me that is Man’s Man – support staffer for the King and my chart placements will illustrate this.  

The wise me (archetypal Man’s Man – personal assistant) offered words of wisdom to DJ Trump – the Man who would be king. Eris (highlighted transit during Full Moon dream) tried to offer her own wise words regarding the folly of proceeding without humility, words intended to rous the distracted partygoers – her words like mine, fell onto deaf ears. After all – the Bright Shiny things are irresistible where the monkey mind morphs into the quintessential moth to the flame. Few realise that it is the chemical created from burning wings that produces the intoxicating allure of our trending towards the object of desire: as the wonderful poet Jackson Browne writes –

“And in the end they traded their tired wings – for the resignation that living brings – And exchanged loves bright and fragile glow – for the glitter and the rouge”.

Eris’ pleas to be heard, like Jackson Browne’s are a cautionary offering. But the faculties of being human under the spell – are not available and so like drunken sailors far from our own home and hearth – we party like it’s 1999. Our capacity for critical thinking is linked directly to the ability to sit in quiet peacefulness – finding our own contented God within inside our own belly. And the void – that nature abhors – requires a ‘filling’ – so we drink the sweet enticing Kool-aid when water would quench the parched dry throat of the lost souls.

OMG! It’s FOMO – fakery and counterfeit

The vast majority (within the Western world collective) live a life of vicariousness – in adoration of and obsessed by  the ruined lives of people we want to be – or at least be with. Our own lives are sooooo boring when compared with those of the Mega Rich, Mega Famous – the ones with profile. So the distraction that is so readily available via the portable handjob kit the courtship with AI and the dwelling in cyberspace, affords us the opportunity to have the emotional ties and attendant experiences that are part of ‘celebrity life’. Hours per day staring in glib stupefaction, hanging on every word drooling over every image – boredom is a thing of the past.

Our consciousness is by nature ‘in attendance’ and required to focus. And God is always calling – beckoning each of us towards an experience that gives us a sense of fulfilment – on a very fundamental level. There is a part of us that innately understands the requirement to attend but in today’s modern (western civilised) world our focus and attention is busy being distracted – the FOMO has us lost in counterfeit.  

And within this seduction – the absolute ‘must have’ accessory of bright shiny things – the preciousness that is our ability to attend with and to our God consciousness is spent, is wasted on issues that have very little meaning for the human experience and is a reversal of the evolutionary process. – In effect – to quote Nietzsche “God is dead” and this is so because of our personal stupidity giving rise to collective focusing on all the wrong things. God is dead and the ones responsible for stirring the vehemence of the lynch mob – religious zealots – especially fundamental Christians who march into glory with their dashboard Jesus as wind beneath their wings.

Enantiodromia – and why it is pivotal of a bridge too far when observation is biased and vision is blurred and limited.

I recently saw an online presentation from a husband and wife team who during the kovax years – 2020 to 2024 -made it their business to become dissenting voices to the information being presented from mainstream media about the great kovid debacle. They were sufficiently diligent to do their own research and to discover – along with some other voices in the minority – that the entire medical model is based upon fictional theories. I then saw a ‘group’ of medical experts (based in Canada) who between them have written and edited a new book on the kovid debacle titled Going down the Kovid Rabbithole. Now two separate groups railing and dissenting against the mainstream narrative – both agreeing that the Pandemic was contrived and farcical. The latter group has based their book upon their research that says – in part – that the Sars2 Virus had very little difference to either the general influenza virus or the first Sars 1 virus from the early 2000’s – it was they also suggest a similar virus to the Spanish flu. The husband and wife couple meanwhile retain their membership with a tribe whose collective research has found that there are no such ‘entities’ as viruses. We now have two teams opposing the mainstream narrative but at loggerheads each with the other because one team says no virus while the other side says yes virus but not the deadly pathogen that it was presented as. The husband wife team have recently presented an online vid that suggests their no virus- no germ concept is true because it is supported by the bible, so obviously no one can argue with the bible right . And their audience – made up of self-righteous god botherers – applauded loudly.. And instantly the law of enantiodromia kicks in – because I commented (on the site of video) on the how they had initially encouraged their audience to dissent – away from the mainstream dogma – only to swap the dogma linked to mainstream virus model for their new bible based dogma. God was killed off by religious dogma – my comment removed from their comments section – oh the hypocrisy, the willful ignorance – the blind stupidity in choosing not to use the facility they had employed to uncover a major world-wide hoax to be able to scrutinise the ridiculous Christian dogma – WTF – enantiodromia and hypocrisy in their purest guises.   

Mercury in Sagittarius Jupiter in Gemini – we can check up on our thinking

t’s not only our enamoured affair with AI – listening to opinions and joining in with topics of our choosing that keeps God entombed – there is also the voice ‘in the head’ that never shuts up. Where is our God contact within this relentless noisescape?

Down through the ages – the Master souls (Non-gender) constantly and continuously advise to “Seek ye first – the Kingdom within”: why? How do we expect to be able to apply critical thought to any subject matter if there is no distinction between what ‘data’ comes to us – and the way it is filtered through certain biased perspectives? In short unless we can learn be silent we will always respond to incoming info without the ability to discern nuance or  newness. With the Astrological placements of Mercury in Sag and Jupiter in Gemini we can access energies supportive of creative and critical thinking. If we keep doing the same thing/thinking expecting a different result – well as Eistein would say – definition of idiocy. But the challenge remains because the monkey mind hates boredom and loves bright shiny things and the requirement is the direct opposite. The recent past four years has provided for those watching how susceptible we are as individual living amid the collective to succumb to herd thinking.

We have to find a way  to consciously attend and not be  at he mercy of our propensity for idiocy. It’s an opportunity like never before. With Pluto now moving into Aquarius we can shift our conscious awareness into alignment with the promised creative expanded version of the human experience.  We have the opportunity to choose – but only when we recognise the choice – the ball is in our court.    

All for One – One for All

If it’s true that what the Master suggest ‘the ocean is contained within the drop’ then this is a very good definition and analogy for what others call the Holographic Universe. I’ve been banging on about this notion for about 18 months – since Saturn went into Pisces March 7th 2023 and the Neptunian, Piscean fogginess blurring of distinct definition – that the scientific (left brain) perspective can’t cope with and or stand about approaches like astrology. The knowing of the Astro perspective does at least provide for being a bit empathetic to those who’s vision is limited due to the restrictions imposed by their own belief systems.

As more and more evidence comes to light regarding the once concrete (Saturnian) structures, being a reliable way to underpin scientific dogma – all outdated theories continue to unravel – to dissipate into the fogginess – those with the abilities to remain open to the ‘incoming’ new ways and explanations are advantaged. A recent presentation (by Dr Tom Cowan) shows that even theories that come with the highest scientific accolades (e.g. Nobel Prize) are farcical and fraudulent – total fantasy akin to the tale of the Emperors New fashion statement. In his most recent expose Dr Tom shows how the theories regarding DNA/Genome etal. – which underpin the entire medical model are based upon nothing more that 70 year old supposition and superstition – what Dr Tom refers to as Hooey.

Dr Tom is not so hubristic as to say that he knows the answers to the mistakes of this scientific dogma – he is simply pointing out that the theories held up by the old saturnian scientific community- as being irrefutable – are simply Hooey.

This new situation when considered with an open ‘mind’ has the potential to herald in a new way/paradigm of working towards finding answers capable of functioning where information can be discussed and findings as they present can be made available to all.

And of course this is the very reason why discussion is suddenly shunned as dissention and any new findings must be immediately refuted as ‘conspiracy’ because the sharing of true information has the castle walls of the elitist purple circle cliques come tumbling down – and the positions of might and power that are part of the ‘scientism community’ arrangements dissipate along with the dissolving Hooey.

My new wings sure are pretty

With the Astro backdrop being laden with such a plethora of so many divergent energies, it is increasingly challenging to retain equilibrium and Compass point. I once again take the opportunity to send into the cosmic consciousness – musings that are prominent within my own ‘psychic’ observations. The Saturn in Pisces transit still holds my attention: the dissolution of ‘systems and structures’ the once reliable – foundational – aspects of 3D living. Institutions that were once deemed the fundamental undergirding guiding principles – upon which we were able to traverse the simple day to day mundane minutiae are now seen as having less and less substance and diminished influence.

In my own life when speaking with those within my (ever diminishing) social circle – responses include: willing discourse from those who are themselves feeling these changes/shifts and there are those whose eyes either glaze over or roll – or both – at the mere mention of topics/subjects like this. I guess it is a sorting process – ‘wheat from chaff’ as the adage suggests. My ‘mind’s eye’ conjured a new image about these changes: prompted by recent blog post on the always insightful author of Zoë’s Newsletter – see link that the shifting of the ‘old’ is akin to the caterpillar dissolving inside the cacoon – as gelatinous medium – heralding something as yet not knowable. I like this image and the situation it represents. I am comfortable with ‘not knowing’ – from a point of intuitiveness – that all is proceeding in accordance with creation of the butterfly’s new wings, built by utilising the dissolving old structure of the caterpillar’s legs and torso.

So we wait, we can’t as yet see the new wings – the structures that we once took for granted for finding functional firm foothold are now illusive and elusive and this precariousness can create consternation. So, we wait – find our foothold in the ‘attending to and attention of’ the same vibrational intelligence – assured that ‘what’ is building the new wings – is also sustaining our own metamorphosis.     

Obliviousness to the obviousness.

In my own Natal chart I have Jupiter and Uranus in the eighth house and part of the ‘topics, issues’ within this house are concerned with Occult and Taboo. Many topics within western civilisation have (somehow over the centuries) become taboo and then consigned to the realms of occultism. The dictionary defines the word occult to mean something that is hidden, so the obvious question becomes: who decides what should be hidden?

As the power of the ‘churches’ became ever more dominant within civilised western culture – they made determinations about what subject matter could be included into the public domain and lexicon. I consider it such Bona Fortuna – that I personally have need (supported by 12th house Scorpionic tendencies/energies) to go a bit deeper, a need to go below the surface and find what might be hidden – ‘things’ – i.e. topics which for many are considered too taboo and automatically by de-fault too occult.    

By now it should be apparent to anyone paying attention and willing to see, that as a collective we have been deliberately duped into having faith in a system that promoted itself as having the best interests of the collective as core motivating agent. In fact close scrutiny will reveal that the system that has been presented as foundational for the construction and implementation of ‘structures’ supposedly designed to be in service to and for the collective can now be seen as the means that gives advantage and benefit to only those few who have access to these limited and limiting ‘structures’.  The extreme opinions from either end of this notion (of having been deliberately subjected to systemic malfeasance): i.e. there are those who are oblivious either by choice or via innocent  ignorance and the other extreme, the Tinfoil Hat brigade (of which I am proud founding member) might both miss opportunities that can appear via the adoption of a more moderate ‘middle path’ approach. Revelations that did/do surface via the extremes of swinging pendulum are necessary but making use of findings is what will promote change.  

If this current state of affairs can now be seen – by the ever increasing numbers of the collective who are becoming more informed that this malfunctioning system is being retained by those few – then those of us intent on remaining true to an ideal of an available evolutionary trajectory need to now create an alternate approach. Our own adherence to continuing to point at the problem – without offering a replacement – is an exercise in wasted time, energy and resources and does nothing to promote and produce better outcomes.

The current Astro backdrop e.g. Mars and Jupiter into Gemini placements present opportunities to access and use the faculties of the Self that are linked to the Gemini archetype Mind/brain to locate and collate a framework from which we can construe and construct a more meaningful and tangible working system: one that brings benefit to all inhabitants of Gaia. The rise of AI is presented by some as potentially malicious but as with all things – the blade, the coin, the people – will be seen to have two sides. Jupiter is soon (August 20 2024) to be Square to Saturn and this moving away is after the conjunction (between Saturn and Jupiter) as part of the Great Scamdemic Circa March 2020. At this initial meet up, seeds were sewn and as we move through this particular (20 year) gardening cycle seeds will sprout and shoots will become visible. The Aquarian influence including AI can be used to great benefit and when we consider to include holding the tension of the opposites (Jupiter at one end and Saturn at the other) this dynamism has the potential – if seen and used properly – to become harbinger of a bright and cooperative future not the doom and gloom scenario as predicted in Sci-Fi Terminator stories.

Without resorting to the situation as problematic and therefor stymieing we can instead look at the parts of the system that don’t work as challenges in need of review and repair. At this juncture the notion of SURRENDER holds incredible value. Dropping our hubris in exchange for humility – the admission that most of what we have been ‘taught’ will be of little use as move into the New Age – this can be a very joyful liberating experience.

Let’s take for example an aspect of the total or whole: i.e. the need for optimal wholistic health. There are many ‘Healer/practitioners’ who have done the hard yards (using Chiron in Aries energies to gain insight) and have the means whereby everyone can have access to modalities and treatment regimens that can affect real  health improvement and beneficial changes to the whole of the individual Self. The old ‘system’; based upon a mechanism of industry ‘control’ where remedial actions come by way of a pharmaceutical medical model is in dire need of dismantling, even an objective glance will expose the tyranny within this model. And the best way for needed changes to be implemented is to simply walk away from the model that is obviously no longer supportive of either the individual’s healing quest or the health benefits of the whole. 

As mentioned prior – the ‘system’ we have been using is decrepit and obsolete but finger pointing does little to assist with finding/building a better way. With this in mind – the intention arrives in a bid to prompt and promote the New Age – creation of a more inclusive model. I tender some musing guidelines below that are based upon changes that I can make within my own immediate environment that have the potential to support the collective evolutionary push towards the birthing of ……. I don’t know yet, but I’m willing to look and see.

Some offerings – Helpful Hints – One traveller to another

                                KEEP IT SIMPLE and continue to use your intuition to FEEL YOUR LIFE, the course of which will remain a series of crests and troughs. Take the time to sit, ponder and contemplate. Find your own rhythm; BE STILL IN MOTION and remember the path that is your journey is being designed and constructed MOMENT TO MOMENT by and for your wise Self. All the assistance and assistants will be forthcoming. Stay open to form; THINGS ARE RARELY ALL THEY SEEM. 

                        Understand the DYNAMICS OF GIVING; help others, those fellow travellers, kindred spirits who are also on their journey; offer what you can but not to your own detriment. Such offers adds positive energy to the collective effort and further causes the rate of vibration to rise which in-turn is supporting the EVOLUTION. Valuable necessities and resource will be exchanged for information. WISDOM & INSIGHT gained via genuine effort becomes a form of currency and as such are extremely valuable to fellow seekers/travellers.

                         Maintain the COMMITMENT to search for your PERSONAL TRUTH and remain in contact with the DIVINE WITHIN. Working from the NOW allows us to BEGIN then BEGIN AGAIN. Find firm footing from which to take your next step and keep in mind that ‘an inch is better than a mile in the wrong direction’. There may be times when the gradient is too steep, the chasm too wide. At these times go gently, rest and retreat if need be in order to re-gain the impetus you may require to make a successful leap. Whenever you feel lost/disconnected remember that this feeling is the GAP between your potential and where you happen to be; Breath, (feel that subtle all-powerful vibration) and BEGIN again with glad heart.

                           Recognise, acknowledge, accept then integrate all aspects of your own DARK SELF; that part of you capable of almost any thought, any deed. Denial or contempt for this part of oneself serves only to produce inequality and separateness as opposed to providing the seedbed and growing medium for your own CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Acceptance of the whole will interfere with and disrupt the habit of projecting blame onto others. Armed with this understanding we can FORGIVE ourselves for any transgressions against ourselves or against others then FORGIVE ALL OTHERS of and for the same; what we once had called TRANSGRESSIONS we now perceive as LESSONS.

                         NURTURE YOURSELF; tend to your home and garden; this is high priority for when we allow our reserves of energy to become depleted we become less resistant to ‘invasion’. We also have the innate tendency to go in search of the means by which we can replenish our dwindling energy stocks and we also become prone to negative perspectives. In so doing we are likely to get caught up in (emotional) dramas that revolve around energy theft. Therefor BREAK ANY HABITS that rely upon using tired old techniques for manipulating others within relationship. Each time we opt for using such redundant formulae we inadvertently relinquish the potential for EVOLUTION

                     KEEP THE FAITH; don’t sell yourself nor succumb to pressure either internal or external. Make conscious lifestyle choices and decisions that will bolster personal energy levels. Retain as essential requirements the priorities of; good food, good water, regular exercise and rest and always allow sufficient time and space for SLEEP. Keep connected to your DREAMS which can supply vital link between your waking and sleeping worlds. The aspect and importance of self-care cannot be over emphasised for it is when we are healthy that we can be helpful and god helps those who help themselves.

                 Be thankful for your life; openly express your gratitude via involvement in the act of CREATION in whatever form you choose. Revere the opportunity that presents with this life and take advantage of spending time in natural environments. Places and spaces that have retained their unspoilt beauty are conducive to re-learning the ART OF APPRECIATION and can assist with the recouping of waning energy levels and inspiration. The few remaining (wild) places are an irreplaceable treasure and as such are to be protected and maintained with care. Where the external image of beauty re-minds us of the divine within inside of us appreciation for both will add energy and impetus to increase the push towards EVOLUTION.

                 Don’t mistake your persona, your mask for your SELF. REINVENT if you so choose the world and your place within it. No need to try to impress others; YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF –who you really are is sufficiently impressive. PLAY, HAVE FUN, ENJOY. Give up any futile attempts to CONTROL and find SECURITY within your Self, within your BEING. Keep the focus on spirit, soul, intuitiveness and organismically based feelings and consciousness and always remember that SURRENDER IS NOT ADIRTY WORD.

              There are only a handful of things that should concern those of us aware of our life’s journey; the life you have, what you do with this life and the PASSION you bring to your journey. The basic gift on offer from the energy of Chiron resides in the promotion of the urge to discover our COURAGE in order that we locate and use our passion in the pursuit of our personal TRUTH and DESTINY

                 Worship the divine within, the entity that sustains all things and has only your best interest at heart. KNOW THAT YOU BELONG and that YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Stay alert for signals, messages and guidance where form and presentation will change. Your unique energetic vibration paired with your WILLINGNESS to REMAIN OPEN and to EXPAND – to become MORE than you were – will surely invite meaningful coincidence, chance meetings, serendipity and synchronicity. Your Destiny is unfolding in some striking and very personalised way and there is no side-stepping the inevitable. For each of us there have been challenges, rites of passage and now is definitely not the time to live in fear of your life or the changes that have arrived with more still to come. It is the time to embrace the opportunity of the moment, no matter how risky or uncertain it feels, to stand with courage and be fully present for yourself and your loved ones. To create, to participate, to contribute, and to raise the rate of the evolutionary vibration and the quality of life as best you can right where you are NOW – this is your time and this is the task, to find and embrace your authentic self and to honour your personal TRUTH. If you can with glad heart rise to this occasion, if you can do this, you will serve yourself, your loved ones and the planet in a fashion that is beyond any previous limitation and beyond compare.

The requirement for CONTACT with Self will always be the foundational aspect of conscious living, This CONTACT  is not via dogma, it occurs outside the realm of intellectual meandering – Be brave and mighty forces will assist.

Full Moon in Capricorn download 21/07/2024

Now that the consternation surrounding the Covid era has gone ‘off the boil’ – and the shenanigans attached to the US Election is the only news item – this brings into play the question: where do I now dedicate my time? This question is a bit confronting because the ‘void’ created; made available has come about now that I am not so heavily embroiled, invested in the Kov story. As life-long Tinfoil Hatter spurred on by having Natal Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the 8th I have always been interested in ‘topics’ perhaps best described as Occult – in the truest sense/use of the word to mean ‘things that are ‘hidden’. Those with no ability to access the Right hemisphere of their brain and with no capacity for critical thinking quickly apply the usual, humdrum label ‘conspiracy theory’ to any ideas that challenge their staid world view. So when the Great Covid story appeared – as part of the Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter sitting in Capricorn – and other ‘energetic archetypal signatures’ – e.g. Sedna, Chiron et al having influence in 2020, I was already primed to dive into the Pandemic rabbithole. And with lots of already harvested ‘occult’ information gathered from 40 years of research, it didn’t take much  to have me sufficiently seduced by interplay and presentations on-line – about the great plague which was initially marketed as a killer virus that could/would devastate millions of people worldwide. It is only hindsight which sees that the time invested into this ‘topic’ was substantial. The dust has settled somewhat and most who sought clarification to the many versions of the ‘truth’ seem sufficiently content with their findings to either remain engaged with a particular version or more inclined to ‘move on’ to find the next item of ‘titty-tainment.   now I must choose a new ‘pastime’.

The other noticeable occurrence is how quickly the numbers of other – who were also invested in the Kov story – have moved on leaving not only a void but leaving behind an incredible opportunity to shake ourselves free of a tyrannical system to engage with the making of a new story.  

So the monkey mind only ever prefers new bright shiny things – or that at least look like new. I couldn’t help but notice the podium/rostrum – the pulpit from where Trump the Saviour delivers his speech/spiel to the adoring masses is adorned with the names: Trump Vance – at the beginning of the Kov era the names were Trump Pence and the adoring (do I hear sleeping?) masses haven’t noticed. A look into the backgrounds of both these ‘players’ will reveal them both to be part of a system that serves only the privileged – system that uses its positions of power to influence and abuse those that are outside the ‘Purple Circle’ of entitlement.  

Walking the Walk – doing the work

With my own distracted monkey mind in evidence (revealed by the light of the Silvery Moon) I will use the current Mars in Gemini placement to auger/accent my own Natal placement to prompt return to the simple actions that bring benefit to my whole Self. These actions are fundamental, they are – have always been – foundational to the proper way to live my life.

The Monkey mind – so easily tempted towards distraction – results in jumbled priorities and when the ‘action’ that is (or should be) the basis upon which each day is formed – dependent – the propensity of monkey mind to be distracted is invariably enhanced. This distraction does little to promote conscious decision making and as a consequence the allure of bright shiny things become irresistible – and detrimental to the whole being’s capacity for discernment. The Master Sage would say unity has been severed and with this separation – between the pieces of the whole – the jumble forces stumble placing hubris over humble. When this happens we become prone to losing our ability to access inner wisdom – we are then at the mercy of the influences of the influencers: those who operate inside the bright shiny things – telling me what to think – The living Master reminds: Our ability to think is God’s gift to us and what we choose to think about is our gift to ourselves OR my unconscious Self muddled and befuddled, operating at the beck and call of the sideshow salespeople.

Solution not pollution.

As the debates over varying aspects of the killer virus started to sort and settle, the side of the argument which had seen through the wafer thin plot that was dished out by the side with vested interests: i.e. Big Pharma Big Oil, Big Media – all the usual money moguls – began to walk away from the aforementioned debate realising any attempt to shed light – via respectful, logical, common sense discussion was never going to happen. Focus and energies began to move towards consideration of a different approach.

The positive take-away from the arrival of ‘Pandemic’ was that it provided opportunity for those ‘onlookers’ to apply some intelligent critical thinking and in doing so get to see that this seemingly ‘single event’ i.e. the Covid virus – was another scam that was attached to a string of other scams dating back to when the Rockefeller family first began converting petro-chemicals into pharmaceuticals. But seeing and knowing this brought with it the knowing of a level and depth of corruption – where corporations are instructing governments – that is so vast and so ingrained, the only way forward was to be rid of a rotten decaying system and create a new one.

Once again the astrology is supportive. Previous posts have mentioned Saturn in Pisces a placement wherein old (obsolete) structures – see Saturn are being dissolved by the boundless energies of Pisces. But as we know nature – the universe – abhors a vacuum so as the old Saturn ways dissolve there is need for replacement…. Enter the New Age – Here comes the Water Bearer

It’s now about investment not seduction. Anyone who has done the research are now fully aware of a ‘System’ which is designed to serve only a very few already wealthy families. And so we have before us – via what initially presented as a crisis situation – an incredible opportunity. Others who have also already awoken from limiting false narratives are moving in a positive direction, to focus personal energies towards the building of a new system within a new paradigm.      

TV news informs: a sporting superstar has dislocated his finger and his Olympic dreams are in doubt. The US presidential election campaigns put their candidates into the public spotlight.

Really – Is this rubbish worthy of my time – the few precious days that I have left? The Astrological backdrop says no – there are far better uses for the divine intelligence which resides within inside the meatsuit and re-establishing the connection – as prioritised daily practice – is a non-negotiable first act. By doing the basics I connect with the wisdom and can then act in accordance with the Astro energies including the Pluto Uranus kiss a little while back and the changing of the Ages is definitely having impact and it is this type of zeitgeist information that holds the potential keys for the finding/building of new ways to forward. Not to be contentious but anyone caught in the idea that the state of affairs, the current way should remain as business as usual might need to eat some sour gripes. The point being that if you see the status quo as a proper way to live then you will have no reason to seek alternatives

Creativity – from whence does it come?

Remember you only have options and choices – free will – when you become sufficiently conscious to getting a ‘feeling’ that these exist. And once you know there is ‘another way’ then choices can be made – congruent with new understanding via a new level of consciousness OR remain doing what you’re told – oblivious to alternatives – just more circus sideshows in clowntown.

Or go within inside – to the space/realm, the place where all the ‘Masters’ (word used without bias to gender) will tell you, ‘inside’ is where you meet your maker. Socrates suggested (get to) Know thyself and by this he wasn’t talking about ‘what pasta is your favourite’. In order for us to be involved in the construction of what the New Age can/might be we have to be able to CONTACT the intelligence (use/substitute the word of your choosing) that sustains us – which is the same ‘entity’ which sustains everything – and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. There is this aspect of ‘self’ within (inside the meatsuit), where are ‘thoughts’ cannot go – it is a ‘feeling’ realm/space but even though it is outside the dimension/level of thought it is very much available to us – we can Know it – in the most intimate way. Some call it ‘consciousness’ and this is where the using of ‘words’ falls short as means to describe it. But this is the place of creativity and where our conscious CONTACT can receive retrieve ‘new’ information.

The Call of the Muse – Yes nature abhors the vacuum and habits stifle creativity

The form that the ‘Creative impulse’ adopts could be anything – a poem by Yeats or Keats or Salvador Dali’s crazy shapes – or the sublime images of Van Gogh. The ‘impulse might present as planting and caring for a garden or taking care of loved ones. To my mind the motherhood role is at the top of the list in terms of spontaneous creativity.

Healing and Creativity hand in hand

Chiron in Aries – in reverse – to give us another look at what is interfering/blocking our access to the Muse’s beckoning. 

Phil Spector seems to present a good example for this topic – many of those involved in the making of music cite Spector’s Wall of Sound as completely inspired. And when you listen to the songs he created they do indeed seem to have ‘come from somewhere’ and although it is suggested that he crafted his music based upon the work of the ones who came before him e.g. Richard Wagner – ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ I would refute these claims. Like many of ‘genius’ status he was always in the grips of his daemon and having lost his father to suicide Spector’s behaviour became more and more without restraint without Saturn.  Such creation came at a cost – many of his colleagues said Spector was sociopathic and quite probably insane – but alcohol, drugs and a fetish for handguns – Freud might quip penis – all had influence – the Shadow cast by the Wall of Sound looms large  

All clips gratefully sourced/borrowed from Youtube

Chiron in Aries – understanding by standing under Treating mystery illness X with Preparation H – No Ass-umptions

Chiron and the Fisher King

Fisher King Fisher King – what’s that you say

Why does one fish swim the wrong way?

Swim, swim around around

Hoping the circles will cure the wound.

The Fisher King myth/legend finds the King on his deathbed: where he has been attended to by all the noted healer/physicians within the kingdom in a bid to find and apply remedy to the ailments inflicting the king: unfortunately – sadly all attempts to appease the king’s symptoms have failed leaving the king forlorn – bereft of hope. The Court Jester who clearly and dearly loves his King secretly makes his way to the king’s chambers to see his beloved master and to see if he can help. After the Jester’s visit the King’s condition appears noticeably better and all the serving staff are amazed, the physicians are dumfounded. What has happened they all wondered – how and why has the king’s poor health suddenly improved – who was last to visit?

When it was discovered that it was the Jester who was the last visitor at king’s bedside the noted physicians, Clergy and high ranking officials – (the experts) summoned him to ask what he had done to bring such relief to the king: the Jester responded by saying: ”I saw only that the king was thirsty – all I did was to give him some water”

With Chiron in Aries (from February 18th 2019 until June 19th 2026: when Chiron goes into Taurus except for a six month hiatus/retrograde back into Aries to April 15th 2027) the particular Chiron energy is about Healing of the Self. And as the Fisher King myth suggests the Healing agent is simple – however finding it, seeing this agent – can pose the challenge. It is a challenge because we are required to find humility via the admission that the way we have been viewing the world is in need of adjustment. As part of the Fisher King Legend mentioned above – it can be seen that all the expert opinion was of little or no use because the Healing agent arrived in a form of love and simple observation which precluded the ‘expert Left Brain perspective’ from seeing it. “I saw only that the king was thirsty” was the diagnosis that came via the Jester’s body wisdom –from his ‘feeling’ Right Brain intuitive Self.

Within (contemporary setting) generalised scenario -when our health is good we tend to let sleeping dogs lay: there are no presenting ‘symptoms’ so no need to ‘fix something not broken’. It is only when ‘something goes awry’ – when ‘presenting symptoms’ interfere with our chosen lifestyle that we are forced to take action i.e. to ‘do something’. This ‘doing something’ – for the vast majority – usually takes the form of accessing ‘experts opinions’ and modalities from the allopathic medical model – just as the Fisher King. The scenario goes something like: we are suddenly affected by a seemingly random ‘symptom’ e.g. a sore belly or a headache other and because our own ‘knowledge’ of health matters is limited we go to seek the advice from the experts – our G.P> M.D. our doctor. After all the using of this model has been a known and trusted longstanding arrangement where these experts have had the training – 6-8 years of rigorous study to build a database designed to give them the expertise to diagnose symptoms and render remedy. In this setting using this model we have been taught to abdicate personal responsibility with the expectation that ‘someone’ in a position of authority – will fix us.  

With the new Chiron in Aries model the concept that presenting ‘symptoms’ have appeared because there is something awry due to definite reason(s), the symptom(s) are a consequence of something is also used: the point of difference, the contrast in approaches occurs when we take back our responsibility for our health, we are hands-on and we become sufficiently aware to consider the Cause Effect situation.

The current Chiron in Aries placement is concerned with – the presenting affliction, as being part of a ‘Wound’ one where symptoms are regarding the individual “Self” and also seen as operating within the collective – events that can be seen to affect the Health of the masses. A good and recent example of an ‘affliction’ occurring with the collective is the ‘Covid Pandemic’ where almost the entire world population was prompted to believe that an ‘issue’ had presented with specific ‘symptoms’. So the issue seen inside the Allopathic Model was to have its ‘symptoms’ treated in very specific ways. The ‘experts’ instructed the masses – from the old mindset, that treatment was to be administered by using the injection of unknown substances – directly into the bloodstream of those ‘soon to be afflicted’.

In the Pandemic scenario the Chiron in Aries model would take a totally different approach. Using simple observation of the presenting ‘symptoms’ along with the application of Archetypal astrological language, we are advantaged to allow for a more ‘connected’ Right Brain diagnosis/prognosis. In the Fisher King Myth fairytale – the Court Jester as archetypal Fool – represents the part of our own psyche that operates via simplicity and openness– where (the underrated) Occam’s razor can be applied to not only deliver accurate diagnosis but potentially excellent results.  

And this is the standing under aspect of finding useful information. However in order to stand under we need to find humility, we need to see and accept our intrinsic links with limits and our limitations – and this it is here that the many are challenged. We like to think (from Ego left brain perspectives) that as sovereign independent entities we are in charge, capable of making decision that are in the best interests of our life and how we (choose to) live it. All Ok so far – the missing link is “Life Support” – we first need to see that we are being kept alive (tenuously one breath at a time) and it is this invisible entity (of energy) that is to be acknowledged and ‘stood under’. Many folk balk at some of the names given/applied to this ‘entity/energy’ – so in honour of the Jester and Occam’s razor I will refrain from calling it a name that brings with it unwanted, unneeded and unhelpful biases. Let’s simply call it ‘intelligent vibration’ – where the accepting of the ‘name’ and what it means – (even if just for the sake of this essay) being that it underpins, underscores EVERYTHING. And this is where and why the Ego self gets challenged and confronted. Nevertheless the recipe for Chiron’s offer for Self Healing requires of us Self Knowledge – i.e. as Socrates suggested (Oracle of Delphi) Know thy Self and to know thy Self we need assistance – we need to locate the part of our Self that can perceive and receive new information – not continually blocking and ignoring the new by preferring referring to the old.

Chiron is a Rebellious Maverick

Chiron as astronomical/astrological physical entity has an orbit that runs between Uranus and Saturn and the gravitational pull of these other bodies makes Chiron’s movement through the constellations haphazard – he’s a maverick by nature. As a consequence his orbital pattern rhythm is erratic and each circle/cycle loop can take an amount of (earth year) time duration from between 48 and 52 years with stayovers in each House/Sign – constellation lasting anywhere from 2.5 years up to almost 9 years. His current extended stay in Aries amounts to a total of about 7 years to ensure we have sufficient time to find, consider and promote all steps on the path to understanding and Healing of our own self – this is our work, our responsibility.

The ‘symptoms’ then become indicators – messages from within our own body/Self letting us know that we need to pay attention. When seen in this light – the prudent response to the knock-knocking pf bothersome intruding triggers as messages might be: “Who’s there?”

The current Chiron in Aries placement is very supportive of an approach that encourages responsibility for how we live our life. A new paradigm is surfacing that is capable of showing a new model and approach. The old Allopathic medical model came at the cost of having someone else take charge of our own bodily autonomy. The new model promotes the idea that we get intimately acquainted with our own Body/Self, where the understanding of the beautiful body/temple’s functions upon systems that become known to us as simple, awesome, intelligent electrically charged interconnected interwoven and where each part/aspect is in continuous concert and connection with all other parts.    

Because with Chiron in Aries – the affliction/wound – presenting symptoms are regarding the “Self” and   this is where becoming responsible and in contact with the Self and the underlying entity/energy are imperative.

The physiology, i.e. the Biological form is but a part of the whole: it is however where the aforementioned energy/entity resides. Even this notion is a bit much for some/many – operating under the idea that I am my body- my body is the Self. This notion is true enough but there are aspects of the whole that are not so obvious not so visible. And these other aspects are also prone to ‘disease/symptoms’ and it is becoming ever more apparent that the ‘emotions and the beliefs’ affect the physical Self. The myth (and when I say myth this doesn’t mean fiction) of Chiron tells of his initial wound. At the moment of his birth he was rejected – his mother (Philyra) thought him hideous beast – he was after all part human part horse and worse even than his physical form Chiron was the undeniable proof of her dalliance with his Father Cronos in the form a stallion – (giddy-up). This rejection – no mother’s love at birth became the Wound that was the emotional, spiritual scar tattooed onto Chiron’s psyche and in later life Chiron would sustain a physical injury where together these two separate injuries would combine to create the Wound that will/would not Heal. There is plenty more to this myth but for the purposes of this presentation it is sufficient just to illustrate how the language of archetype, symbolism – astrology can be used to provide information to the ‘story’ rather than the limited version that is used in the Allopathic model – where ‘experts’ treat presenting ‘symptoms’ as though not linked to the whole. So the human form becomes the crucible where symptoms can be far more than they appear. As always there are exceptions to the rule: a broken arm for instance can be attended to by Allopathic model on the physical level.

Chiron has an affliction and is determined to find a cure. Today the stresses of modern day living, environmental concerns – toxins within food and water – all contribute to the production and presentation of vague ‘symptoms’- some of which prove to be very debilitating. The MD GP doctors are in uncertain terrain here but their job/task is to define diagnose the malady- so names are ascribed, attached to vague symptom: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression – virus damage etc. We attend the doctor’s office in the hope that a label will also supply a treatment plan: a Silver Bullet a magik elixir, a power pill. This approach is based upon a mindset that says the symptoms are being produced by ‘something attacking us’ – as noted in the example of the Pandemic – a deadly pathogen and the ‘treatment protocol’ is to control subdue – to eventually kill the invading ‘virus’ before it consumes the host/body causing death. The Chiron in Aries approach is extension of the symptoms as being indicators – guidance for an issue borne of a ‘wholistic’ story. Let’s use the example of the Amish community during the Great pandemic where it was seen that there were very few (if indeed any) who suffered from the ‘flu-like’ symptoms. Upon being quizzed as to why there were no illnesses inside the Amish communities an Elder said simply “We don’t have/watch TV”.  This tells us that there is far more to the part story than the version as delivered by the Legacy media and such obvious lopsidedness should prompt those with inquiring mind to at least ask– “what is going on here, what is the whole story?” So this essay is not just about the dubiousness of the Pandemic it is about presenting symptoms as indicators because part of Chiron’s (Hero) journey – his search for remedy required him/us to look a little deeper, to use the ‘symptoms’ as part of the total Wounding and in so doing become educated and acquainted with the Whole of Self – part of Chiron’s story says that within the Wound you can find your gift.

So here we are May of 2024 and Chiron as Healer (within inside us all) is to be found in that (Aries) part of our total Self where the emphasised energy of the Astrology can access information relative to the Self in a bid to support the Healing journey. As mentioned above the path of Self Care is based upon Self responsibility – the ability to respond via learning to understand by learning to stand-under. Preparation H is the nobility of humility, we have a body that is the Temple – the storehouse/warehouse of the entity/energy that will remain nameless unless you have a preferred name to give it-

It is also worth remembering that Care is the pivotal ingredient in our quest, our Healing journey. When the Jester sought to help his king the ‘agent’ arrived and attended from a place of Care, of kindness of Love – we need to apply these wonderful qualities to our own worthy Self.

Good luck for good health Emmett .

Hoodwinks, jiggery pokery and skullduggery – a once in 84 year – once in a lifetime – astronomological event.

For those not aware – there is an Astronomical – Astrological event occurring just as the Sun moves into the hacienda of El Toro – the constellation of Taurus: on the 20th of April 2024. This event is a collusion/collision/contrivance/dance between two heavenly heavyweights: Uranus and Jupiter. For anyone wanting more information on what this might mean in terms of Astrological implication, there are any number of Astrologers better equipped than me who can fill any/all blanks.

Also for those that don’t know about the Hoodwinks and the skulduggery that will hopefully be revealed as part of this same Astrological backdrop conjunction mentioned above. I should come clean from the outset,  I have a long history of being a Tinfoil hat wearing ‘conspirator’ so I guess I am as well placed as any to elaborate on this topic. Some might think the content presented here to be fictitious fantasy (real conspiracy theory) but in the spirit of the aforementioned ‘event’ as being (potential zeitgeist) – a once in a lifetime occurrence, I feel it incumbent upon me to tell what I know. As for this ‘knowing’ my mother would counsel “Don’t believe anything you hear and only half that you see” – so using this wise woman adage as guide when the mainstream media was incessantly issuing instruction on what to do about the ‘virus’ I intuitively ‘knew’ not to believe it but then comes the challenge – to look, to dig follow breadcrumbs until something of value was revealed. As for the sceptics, the doubters in the audience, everything written here can be verified by doing the research and any verifiable arguments to counter mine as presented will be appreciated and checked.

Let’s start with Gatesy – William Henry Gates – who is chosen due to his long time affiliation with much of the essay content. Bill is a self-confessed Eugenicist– which essentially means (that apart from his love of flying to Epstein Island) he is in favour of population reduction and by reduction he thinks about 95% is a good number. Gates’s affiliation with the eugenics ‘movement’ can be traced back to the early days and the Rockefellers and like this other well to do family – Gates has lots of money – sufficient to allow him to purchase the World Bank and the World Bank owns the World Health Organisation. This ‘structure’ of access to resources gives him the opportunity to put his dreams of population reduction into effect.

The leveraging power that comes with Bill Gates’ excessive money mound allows him to dictate to the governments of the World. Most recently he orchestrated a world-wide scenario that reads like all the most extreme X Files episodes rolled into one episode. Under the guise of a deadly pathogen escaping from somewhere – (where conjecture over the original source of the pathogen kept the masses – via mass media – distracted for years) he gave instructions to all the governments of the World that they were to immediately implement procedures and proceedings that would stop the entire human race from the continued functions of their everyday ordinary conduct. At his bidding the complicit Governments put in place Lockdowns: where Social Distancing, Social Isolation and even the prohibition of access to outside activities became the new normal. Family members were not allowed to visit with other family members who may have been living in facilities where ‘outside visitors’ were banned from entering. To further ‘protect’ the masses from this airborne plague-like ‘deadly disease – the wearing of masks was also made mandatory for all citizens. And finally the forced inoculation of the entire world population was mandated: under the guise that this ‘medical intervention’ was the only way to control illness and the pandemic like spreading of the ‘Virus’ – every person was instructed, mandated to (without question or hesitation) roll up their sleeves and receive this lifesaving  medical intervention.

Other side effects of these ‘procedures’ that were of benefit to Bill Gates and his already well-heeled gang members Club was the redistribution or transfer of wealth. Service businesses of every shape size that were operating as part of the overall fabric and function of civilised living, fell onto the hard times that arose immediately as part of social Lockdown restrictions imposed. Retail outlets went under (financially) in numbers of tens of thousands to be picked up and incorporated into the Big Boys Clubs. Real estate too was ‘grabbed’ at bargain basement prices – Ha it’s a game of Monopoly cried the Fat Cats. Another pie that supplied rich gravy to Gates and friends was the billions of dollars in revenue supplied by governments as they paid for each and every ‘Free jab” for each and every sleeves rolled up person. Big Pharma was raking in the government sanctioned lucre– bought and paid for bucks for billionaires – what a windfall, what a well deserved treat for those saving our lives.

As we look in the rear-view mirror to see the trail of destruction that came as a direct result of this pilfering profiteering we must now also face the fallout of adverse medical conditions that are occurring. The numbers of death, dying, disabled – the permanently sick are staggering: not thousands, not tens of thousands but lives in the millions who have suffered as a consequence of doing what they were told, doing what they thought was right. Readers now rolling their eyes might want to check these claims for themselves – you might have to go a bit further than your mainstream news outlets – Legacy media is part of the skullduggery and they only ever issue ‘news items’ in accordance with what the Money Moguls decree.

So when and as it becomes ever more apparent that Bill’s foray into eugenics was pretty successful – in terms of immediate numbers killed and/or disabled and that he made more money from being stakeholder in stocks and shares of the pharmaceutical companies that were given the contracts to make the ‘product’. Far worse than all this is the finding that all these crimes and misdemeanours were an experiment conceived and staged simply to see how gullible was/is the general population, a pilot program to see how dependent upon the system – that was designed specifically for ever increasing dependency – are the people. And also to gauge how many among the overall total may not comply and how much resource will it take to contend with these troublemaking ‘rabble-rousers.

Now as alternate scenario – let’s give Bill the benefit of the doubt: after all, his supporters will quickly advise (me) that Bill is a ‘philanthropist’ spending many of his millions for ‘good – not ‘evil’. Let’s say he’s not a sociopath, that he believes in what he is doing and that his eugenics programs have been devised and implemented because he has crunched the numbers which showed a world population of ten billion is simply not sustainable: especially now that AI/robotics can replace the drone worker bees. He simply reckons someone had to make a “hard call” and because he is the smartest and wealthiest fella around this ‘call’ was his to make and for this he offers no apology or explanation – the facts he will tell you and me – speak for themselves – just a case of too many people, a race (of creatures) that have become a blight on the landscape – using up finite resources at such a rate that if he doesn’t intervene – mass starvation will result. – Ha what a man, what a champion and there I am accusing him of eco/genocide…. Man – how deluded am I?        

Now as if all these shenanigans weren’t sufficiently unbelievable now there is proof positive that ‘the cause’ i.e. the alleged deadly pathogen upon which this entire fiasco was founded is also fraudulent. All the sparring rhetoric about the ‘origins of the pathogen’- was it a bat, a chicken – a monkey – or was it a ‘gain of function bio-weapon’ deliberately released – all the woohoo, the woo woo in Wuhan. In order to enact the Emergency Response Act there were three requirements: the first that the ‘virus’ had to be novel/new and seen as a threat to human life. Once you have done the research that shows that the so-called ‘virus’ was an in-silico lab model that was based upon a previous (non-existent) ‘Sars (in-silico) ‘virus’ the house of cards really starts to crumble. The second part of this requirement equation is that there had to be a way of testing potential carriers of the (non-existent) virus and so the PCR test became the in vogue choice. All the detail of this unbelievably illogical, unscientific mumbo-jumbo is available but essentially the PCR was calibrated to mix ‘n’ match the primers of the fictitious virus and providing when using the (PCR) test there was sufficient amplification used then a fictitious ‘positive’ result could be fabricated – sufficient to convince the complicit )Emergency Respondent) decision makers that a new deadly virus was in the world. It is incredible to realise that the PCR – a test that doesn’t work (in this type of scenario) was used to form the basis for finding a virus that does not exist – save for a lab illustration and the entire world population was hoodwinked into believing in this Test as legitimate. And the third requirement to enable the Emergency response – that there was to be no other ‘medications’ available on the market that could be used that had capacity to treat the new threat. This of itself is/was problematic – as there were (at least) two products on the market known to be efficacious in treating similar ‘virus’. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine had been in use successfully for a number of years. But the powers behind the scene – including the FDA and CDC soon had both of these products banned giving the immediate green light for the untested medical inoculations to be released ‘Warp Speed’ into the waiting veins of Joe/Jo Public.

If the evidence that the Covid virus never existed save for a computer generated in-silico model is- in itself is earth shattering enough consider the consequences, the impact when it comes to light that no ‘viruses’ exist. This is just too much. The entire fabric of society will collapse because the gargantuan industries borne out of sickness and diseases – including cancer are founded upon the Allopathic system that has Viruses as it’s leading cause We are talking here of  not only a multi trillion dollar industry but of an entire system that has held the world captive – since Rockefeller first saw how petro chemicals could be turned into pharmaceuticals that with control over all the ‘prestigious’ medical schools he could create model where doctors become priests who hold the lives of the masses in the palms of their hands. Got a headache we’ve got the treatment, got Cancer we’ve got the treatment. Oh what power Oh what deception: Oh what income. One of the architects who informed the waiting masses to trust him – that he was the science was Anthony Fauci. He was chosen as mouthpiece for these covid shenanigans because he was well versed and well rehearsed. He had after all convinced the world previously that the AIDS ‘virus’ was real and that he as magician/Pope held the one and only wand as cure. Of course there is a long list of co-conspirators and these names are all on record and will eventually be revealed – it is truly unbelievable the lengths and depth of this deception and who is involved.

This scam is huge and goes right to the top – the puppeteers are trying every trick in the book and inventing ever more stories so as to keep us distracted.   Gatesy and co have after all just murdered 10 million people with many more deaths to come, but far worse than this atrocity is that they are preparing to do it all again. So as bad as these crimes are they are nowhere near as disturbing as the fact that we – the sleeping masses were/are so distracted and therefore unable to see and respond to what has been going on. In one sense this makes us willing and complicit. Under the guise of ‘doing the right thing’ – as instructed by the TV set, we have handed over our own sovereignty and blindly sacrificed the health and lives of ourselves and our loved ones. Our own children through our own ignorance were handed over to governing corporations: we sold our children to boost the profits of Bill Gates and his crony billionaire friends. Now they have seen and got evidence for how the masses have been ‘massaged’ to respond – by putting their faith and trust in a system specifically designed to destroy the same people who support it, they are happy to use this same model for the next wave.

I wrote all this down as documented evidence and because none can sit idly by to witness such atrocities, but also knowing that it will likely be viewed and interpreted as a work of fiction and as such refuted and rejected. The perpetrators of these crimes have been able to get away with such due to power and privilege that affords them a position where they can live and do their despicable deeds without fear of consequence, reprisal or intervention.  If we don’t band together and say No! – then these shocking abuses of power visited upon the innocents will continue: it is incumbent upon each of us, we are obliged to wake up and speak up.

It looks bleak and indeed if we let it – it will be so – but crisis can be opportunity – the skullduggery and hoodwinks, the veils of deception can be lifted and the potential bleakness can be averted, can be converted. The depths of depravity and despair – as with all things – has its opposite and equal – each of us has a choice. The day after the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus the WHO/WEF club members meet to put the finishing touches to the Treaty that supplies them with power absolute – any governments that sign this Treaty are doing so on behalf of their nations people and the vast majority these people have no idea what is unfolding in these behind the scenes hoodwinks, skullduggeries – so to make meaningful choices we need to avail ourselves of all the information for there will be no place for the cries and pleas and claims of ignorance.

Finding Foothold whilst treading water under the Baltimore Bridge:

contemporary example of Saturn steel yielding to Mars energy within Pisces water – 26/03/2024.

The advantage that arrives with the inclusion and use of Astrological concepts – when attempting to work with ideas, to decipher, decode, to figure and present plausible explanations for chosen topics – discussion – are the nuance that myth and symbol adds to the total lexicon, helping to promote and enable understanding of new situations leaving those who prefer only logical rational limited approaches scratching their collective heads because sometimes words (from man’s intellect) just aren’t enough.

The mention of the Baltimore Bridge event is a good example for the use of symbols: where the concrete and steel framework of the bridge is a symbol of Saturn structure, the pointy bow of the ship that collided with the bridge is the phallic shape of the symbol for Mars and of course the collision and collusion event occurred inside a harbour – the Pisces home of water.

The once reliable Saturn constructs – that includes voices of and from authority – that have until recently provided a world view, a foundation of concepts upon which the ‘Experts’ could gather certain, secure foothold – allowing them self-charged certainty in the answering of any and all questions, consternations and quandary. However – the tide – like all things – changes and the incoming Piscean tidal nebulousness is diluting formerly strong logical Saturn certainties and has many of the (afore mentioned) head scratching voices with expert opinions – more than a little unsettled. Other voices once held in esteem, regard and authority are those inside the governments: political figures who for many hundreds of years took on the task of serving the people. When we look into these once sacred spaces today it is quite farcical what is on offer in terms of (Saturn) Leadership. In the US the two candidates vying for the top job are laughable. Both are far too old and are completely removed from the idea of such official duties. Neither have any inkling as to what is needed – regarding the custodianship of those they are supposed to serve and both are known to be corrupt – professional liars. In the UK their Head honcho was put into his position (of authority) via unscrupulous financial backing, he was never elected: the UK Westminster Parliamentary (Saturn) tradition was once seen as the model of effective democracy – today another sham being run by corporate power brokers. Most European countries have also succumbed to corruption – France after having raped and pillaged African countries has their despicable Leader – Macron – trying to get support by picking a fight (he can’t win) with Vladimir Putin, the Leader of Russia. In every country (including Australia and Canada) the so-called Leaders are ‘sock-puppets’ doing what they are told by Big Corporations and where their deceitful acts are lauded by a Legacy Media that is also bought and paid for by corrupt financial institutions. One doesn’t have to be a rocket surgeon to see how the current state of affairs is well passed its use-by date.

Fortunately the rising waters of Pisces – that refuse containment are spilling over structured efforts to bind, they are forcing a rethink because the corruption to old/tired ‘systems and forms’ that no longer serve the needs of the many has become undeniably blatant.

Humans are by nature curious creatures – there is part of our psyche that likes to know how things work – but now things are working differently. The happenings of the last few years – that have made visible the dependences that we have had made readily steadily available to us – are no longer honourable, no longer tenable: we’ve seen too much and can’t go back. But now what? The Left brain – without is counterpart does not have the facility to cope and we are reluctantly forced to tread water – and it is indeed unsettling to feel oneself floating untethered, removed from the once supportive, solid structures as they dissolve and melt.

So we have spent the last few thousand years paying heed and giving reverence to (Saturn in the form of) an external God. This system served the few, the ruling classes who enslaved the masses to build their Pyramids and skyscrapers to appease their Gods – is thankfully coming to the end of its reign.

But with the disappearance of subjugation comes also the dissolution of False Gods. The new Aquarian age says God was never outside of the temple and the temple is the human. Freedom has a price: each of us has to be able to respond to the rising water and swirling fog by finding answers from our own internal authority/God: enter symbol, myth – Right brain – Astrology supporting new and better language. There is of course caution and caveat – the clamouring of heads bowed to the false gods of material consumerism will no longer be an acceptable response to the offer that comes with self-governance. If we want our own sovereignty we need to be able to make our own way without corruption, to sift through the information that today is relentless inundation. We can never again be seduced by bright shiny things as though sufficient substitute for God contact – the power to discriminate, to discern value – becomes available to each of us when our inner God connection is established as living priority to a living entity – each and every day – Here and Now- right Now.     

PS – By the Way – btw new vernacular

To become our own story teller the authoritative voice of our own journey we have to be prepared to relent on attachment to dogma: this includes religious dogma. And when Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed etal were around they would tell you the same: for example Jesus was claimed to have said “What I have done (i.e. finding God within inside himself) each of you must do also”. Today we have interlopers who control the mass-mind by telling us that we can only know God via the Church mandates. Let’s look at a church- the Catholic Church is controlled by the Vatican and the Vatican is built and sitting on top of a mountain of gold. When we consider bright shiny things as being false gods what the hell is the Self proclaimed mediums for God doing with gold – which btw is derived through absolute blood money corruption, including Sex trafficking of children, Child pornography and prostitution, rampant illicit drug trade, support for the US War machine which kills innocent children and money laundering.

Let’s not get confused about what God is and don’t mistake religious dogma and zealotry (in any of its tired old Saturnian forms) for a path to God. Let’s remember what all the singing masters will tell us: The kingdom (of Heaven) is within – this kingdom is not the province of mediators in funny hats and frocks. The way to find God is available to all – for each of us – but we have to be willing to forego (nearly) all of the shite and briny things that have accumulated in our lives that interfere with the simple experience that resides inside the Self, inside the present moment – a simple recipe – making the cake will continue to stretch us – because that’s how we grow – ask any Yogi lol.  

Be brave and (let) mighty forces come to your aid….  

Music clip gratefully borrowed from Youtube